Gyakuten Kenji 2/Episode 1: Turnabout Target/Beginning

After being called into action on such short notice, Miles Edgeworth (御剣 怜侍 (みつるぎ れいじ) Mitsurugi Reiji) arrives at Gourd Lake Park, where he is greeted by his long-time assistant, Detective Dick Gumshoe (糸鋸 圭介 (いとのこぎり けいすけ) Itonokogiri Keisuke). It appears there is currently no information on the President’s condition. As the two head for the crime scene, Edgeworth is interrupted by a woman from the audience. He ignores her, and continues on to the scene of the incident. Gumshoe fills you in on what is currently known. On the stage at Gourd Lake Park, President Di-Jun Huang (王 帝君 (おう ていくん) Ō Teikun) of the Republic of Zheng Fa was giving a speech. Edgeworth mentions that the media had been making a fuss over his visit, and shows a Newspaper Article (新聞記事 shinbun kiji) about it, which is noted in the Organizer, where information on all evidence you find, and people you encounter, is gathered (if you've worked with the blue-suited defence attorney in the past, this functions identically to the Court Record). Suddenly, during the speech, a gunshot was apparently heard, and the President was escorted in his plane. The Chief Prosecutor then called for Edgeworth immediately, and the park was sealed off to prevent the assassin from escaping... and that's all the detective knows (it seems Gumshoe was called in on short notice, too).

File:AAIME Prosecutors Badge.png
File:GK2 1-1 Newspaper Article.png

From Gumshoe's story, it sounds like the President was targeted with a gun; you receive the Shooting of the President logic (大統領への発砲 Daitōryō e no happō). Gumshoe suggests you talk to the President's bodyguards for information on the security detail during the speech. To talk to someone, move beside them with the D-Pad or holding on the map icon in the direction you wish to move (hold the B button or the arrows around the map if you want to run), and press the A button or the "Talk" icon (話す hanasu) with the the Stylus. Now, talk to the bodyguards standing in front of the President's plane. They say that the President's two best guards were with him on the stage, and the rest were stationed around the stage and audience area, watching the crowd constantly; as Edgeworth summarizes, the Security during the speech (演説中の警備 Enzetsu-chū no keibi) was flawless.

File:GK2 Case 1 Logic 01.png

At this point, the woman from earlier interrupts Edgeworth's train of thought again. He ignores her, but Gumshoe indulges her anyway. He explains that, after gathering enough information, you must try to find the connections between them. Begin by pressing the L button or touching the "Logic" icon (ロジック Rojikku) to open the Logic menu. Select the two pieces of Logic you can see a connection between with the D-Pad or the Stylus, and press the X button or the "Connect" icon (まとめる matomeru) to connect your thoughts. You'll need to do this frequently throughout the game, so get used to checking for connections between your information regularly. However, if you try to connect the wrong two pieces of Logic, your truth meter (the green "health bar") will go down. Deplete it entirely, and the truth is lost forever (and your game is over). Right now, you only have two pieces of Logic: Shooting of the President (大統領への発砲), and Security during the speech (演説中の警備). Connect these now. From this information, Edgeworth concludes that the Assassination attempt (大統領暗殺事件 Daitōryō ansatsu jiken) was premeditated.

Time for the first investigation sequence of the game.

Investigation: Gourd Lake Park - Stage / 捜査 ~ひょうたん湖公園・水上ステージ~


Gumshoe suggests to begin by closely examining everything you can. To examine an object, stand beside it and press the A button, or touch the "Examine" icon (調べる shiraberu). You can also talk to Gumshoe by pressing the Y button, or touching the "Partner" icon. When speaking to people, when the option is available, you can also present evidence to them by pressing the X button or touching "Present" (つきつける tsukitsukeru), selecting a piece of evidence, and pressing the X button or "Present" again. You can press the R button or touch "Organizer" (捜査手帳 sōsa techō) to review the evidence you have collected.

File:GK2 Case 1 Logic 02.png
File:GK2 1-1 Steel Samurai Balloon.png
File:GK2 1-1 Examine Steel Samurai balloon.png

First, examine the burst red balloon to the right of the stage. If you've played any previous games in the series, you've likely met some particularly big fans of this character - it's the Steel Samurai, Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo. Use the Stylus or the D-Pad to highlight the hole in the flag near it, and examine it. Edgeworth sees something intriguing about it, but Gumshoe doesn't get what he's trying to point out. Highlight the same spot again, and present it to him. From the burns around it, it appears to be a bullet hole, giving you the Flag with a bullet hole logic (弾痕のある国旗 Dankon no aru kokki). Now examine the Steel Samurai balloon. Apparently, this Ruptured balloon (割れたバルーン Wareta barūn) burst at around the same time the gunshot was heard. Edgeworth seems particularly annoyed that the Steel Samurai was "desecrated". The Steel Samurai Balloon (トノサマンバルーン Tonosaman barūn) is noted down in the Organizer. Now, use your Logic to connect the Flag with a bullet hole (トノサマンバルーン) to the Ruptured balloon (割れたバルーン). These facts create some ambiguity regarding the number of shots fired - either two or three.

Congratulations, you've completed the first investigation of the game!

The woman in the crowd from earlier now starts annoying Edgeworth again. Since his investigation is at an impasse, he needs to find some witnesses, so you'll need to speak to her. She introduces herself as Nicole Swift (速水 ミキコ (はやみ みきこ) Hayami Mikiko), and immediately bombards Edgeworth with questions. Shouldn't it be the other way around...? But she refuses to tell you anything, unless Edgeworth answers her questions as well. As Gumshoe says, the situation appears to be at a "stalemate". The chess reference gives Edgeworth an idea, though. He envisions a chess game, and begins a new method of interrogation: Logic Chess.

Logic Chess: Nicole Swift / ロジックチェス ~速水 ミキコ~


In Logic Chess, you progress by selecting the response most appropriate to a given statement or mood from your opponent. You have a time limit, so you must choose quickly, or your opponent will grow impatient and end the discussion. Selecting the wrong response will incur a penalty to your time limit, and allowing the time limit to expire will reduce your truth meter. Usually, when your opponent is hot-headed and on the offensive, it's best to wait and see how they act, or if they leave themselves open or vulnerable, you should press on it and attack with your own "chess pieces". Sometimes, you cannot progress with a certain line of questioning until you gain clues from others. Attacking with the correct information at the correct time will break one of their chess pieces - defeat their queen to win.

Logic Chess
Logic Chess
Nicole Swift
Nicole Swift
Logic Chess: Nicole Swift / ロジックチェス ~速水 ミキコ
2 Piece(s) / 2目の駒

To start with, you need to find out just who this woman is. You only have one option at first, so select Your occupation...? (あなたの素性は・・・・? Anata no sujō wa...?) She doesn't want to speak, apparently in case you get "the wrong idea". She claims it isn't suspicious though, in a rather angry tone.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) Edgeworth says that he is sure her job is "reputable". Her response seems uncertain, since she "hasn't done any major articles yet". Articles?

Choose An article writing job? (記事を書く仕事なのか? Kiji o kaku shigoto na no ka?) She claims to be an "investigative reporter". Where have you heard that before...?

Pawn defeated

If she's a reporter, then maybe she has some important information on the shooting. You now have two options to discuss:

  • Content of your coverage? (取材内容とは? Shuzai naiyō to wa?)
  • Did you witness the incident? (現場を目撃した? Genba o mokugeki shita?)

Begin with Did you witness the incident? She doesn't want to give her information away easily.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) She says "a few gunshots don't scare me".

Choose You heard gunshots? (銃声を聞いたのだな? Jūsei o kiita no da na?) If she heard gunshots, she obviously did witness the incident. She says she was here to write an article on the speech, but won't say anything more. If she was here to report on the speech, then she still should have the information she gathered for her article.

You're presented with the same two choices from earlier. Select Content of your coverage? (取材内容とは?) She claims to know nothing about the incident.

Time to use your clue. Select You must still have the materials! (記事を書くための資料があるはずだ! Kiji o kaku tame no shiryō ga aru hazu da!) She again angrily refuses to cooperate.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) She pleads with you to understand her job situation. Edgeworth asks how her job has been going so far. She seems unnerved, and lets slip about her tape recorder.

Choose Let me listen to the tape! (録音したテープを聞かせるのだ! Rokuon shita tēpu o kikaseru no da!) If she's trying to be "the best" reporter, then she must surely have something on her tape recorder. She finally cracks, and agrees to let you listen to her recording.

Queen defeated

Checkmate / チェックメイト

File:GK2 1-1 Examine Bullet Trajectory.png
File:GK2 Hayami's Tape Recorder.png
File:GK2 1-1 Bullet's Trajectory.png

After all that, she finally plays her recording. First, the President's speech plays, followed by the voices of two men in the audience, whom Edgeworth seems to recognise. Then, two gunshots. Nicole's Tape Recorder (速水の録音テープ Hayami no rokuon tēpu) is noted down in the Organizer. Since you now know how many shots were fired, you can deduce the location of the shooter. Present the left side of the audience area. The Bullet's Trajectory (弾丸の軌跡 dangan no kiseki) is noted in the Organizer. Now you know where you need to investigate next, and the audience is cleared out from the left side by Gumshoe and Nicole. Seems like Nicole's parka was dirtied in the process, though she says not to worry, since it's reversible.

Investigation: Gourd Lake Park - Audience Area / 捜査 ~ひょうたん湖公園・観客席~

File:GK2 1-1 Examine purse.png
File:GK2 1-1 Security Plans.png

First off, examine the rubbish bin. Inside, Gumshoe finds a purse. You now need to examine it closely with the 3D viewer. Rotate objects by holding the R button and using the D-Pad, zoom in with the X button, and zoom out with the Y button. Move the cursor to what you want to examine with the D-Pad, and press the A button to examine that spot. You can also perform all of these actions with the Stylus. Examine the clasp to open the purse. Inside is a document detailing the President's Security Plans (警備プランの資料 keibi puran no shiryō), which are noted in the Organizer. Apparently the President isn't on good terms with the police of Zheng Fa, so he used a local security firm for his speech. But that's not the only thing in the purse - it also contains a gun; a Six-shot revolver (6連発の拳銃 Roku renpatsu no kenjū), to be specific. Next, you need to examine the revolver in closer detail.

File:GK2 1-1 Examine Revolver.png
File:GK2 1-1 Revolver.png

Examine the gun's chamber. It's been fired twice, matching the number of gunshots you heard on Nicole's tape recording. Rotate the gun so the barrel is facing you, and examine the Laser pointer (レーザーポインタ Rēzā pointa). The Revolver (拳銃 kenjū) will be added to the Organizer. After a surprisingly quick fingerprint test, Gumshoe reports that no fingerprints were found on the gun, or its bullets. Talk to the grey-suited man by the cherry tree. He should be (but isn't) a familiar face to defense attorneys everywhere - the so-called "Rookie Killer", Winston Payne. It turns out his was the voice heard on Nicole's tape. Next, talk to the TV cameraman. Apparently, his footage was destroyed by stampeding crowds after the incident. Just when all seems lost, Edgeworth's self-proclaimed "assistant", Kay Faraday (一条 美雲 (いちじょう みくも) Ichijō Mikumo) swoops in to save the day. She was in the crowd during the speech, and took a photo of the incident. It shows the President, flanked by his two bodyguards, Rooke (外城 Tojiro) and Knightley (内藤 Naitō).

File:GK2 1-1 Deduce Kay's photo.png
File:GK2 1-1 Kay's Camera Data.png
File:GK2 Case 1 Logic 03.png

Immediately, Edgeworth notices a contradiction in the photograph; time to deduce what it is. Point to the red dot on the President's forehead, and press the X button or touch the Deduce icon (推理 suiri). Now, you need to present evidence that shows the contradiction. Present the Newspaper Article (新聞記事 shinbun kiji). The Red mole (赤いホクロ Akai hokuro) on the President's forehead clearly shouldn't be there. Kay's Camera Data (美雲の写真 Mikumo no shashin) is added to the Organizer. Remember how that gun from earlier had a laser pointer? Use your Logic to connect the Laser pointer (レーザーポインタ) to the Red mole (赤いホクロ). It would seem that Kay's photo captured the moment the assassin took aim at the President. The Assassin's Revolver (凶器の拳銃 kyōki no kenjū) will be updated in the Organizer.

File:GK2 1-1 Examine Kay's Photo 2.png
File:GK2 1-1 Examine Kay's Photo 1.png

Kay now says that she took some more photos. She shows them to Edgeworth in order: first, from before the incident; second, during the incident (the one you just deduced); and third, after the incident, when the crowd was in panic. The two new photos are added to Kay's Camera Data. You now have a choice of which photo to examine in detail. First, look at the photo taken before the incident (事件の直前 jiken no chokuzen). Present the laser pointer beam, which can be seen in the lower right. It's coming from the person in the red hood, making this person the assassin. Next, look at the photo from after the incident (事件の直後 jiken no chokugo). Present the red-hooded person, who is just about visible, right of centre. The assassin tried to escape to the right side of the audience area, towards the Samurai Dog stand. After more members of the audience are moved away from the right side, the investigation can continue.

File:GK2 1-1 Examine Samurai Dog stand.png
File:GK2 1-1 Red Raincoat.png
File:GK2 Case 1 Logic 04.png

Investigate the Samurai Dog stand to the right, and examine the red object visible underneath it. It's the Red Raincoat (赤いレインコート akai reinkōto) you're looking for. Examine its right sleeve to receive the Raincoat sleeve (レインコートのソデ Reinkōto no sode) logic. Strangely, it seems like the sleeve is missing a button. Next, examine the small red object to the lower right. It's a small Red button (赤いボタン Akai botan). Use Logic to connect this to the Raincoat sleeve (レインコートのソデ). It's likely that the button came off because the assassin removed the coat in a hurry. Strangely, though, the left sleeve is undisturbed. Examine the left side of the coat (i.e. to your right) to open it, then examine the bloodstain visible inside. This means that the person you're looking for has an injury on their left side. With that, the investigation is complete, and Gumshoe goes off to look for someone in the crowd with an injury on their left.

A little while later, Gumshoe returns with someone matching the description of the assassin that has been built up so far. The man he brings in, "John Doe" (田中 太郎 (たなか たろう) Tanaka Tarō), looks oddly familiar... Can you recognise who he is? He claims not to recognise the red raincoat, and that he has no connection to the incident. Of course, you want to hear his explanation (説明を聞く setsumei o kiku). This will be your first testimony of the game. Look for contradictions in a witness' statements, and present evidence that proves that they are lying by pressing the R button or the "Present" (つきつける tsukitsukeru) icon to open the Organiser, selecting the contradictory evidence with the the D-Pad or the Stylus, and pressing the X button or the "Present" (つきつける tsukitsukeru) icon again. If you don't have enough information to go on, press them for more details by pressing the L button, or the "Press" (ゆさぶる yusaburu) icon. Use the D-Pad or touch the arrow icons to scroll through statements. Remember that presenting with the wrong evidence or on the wrong statement will cause your truth meter to go down.

Doe's Testimony: Mr. Doe's Testimony / 田中の証言 ~田中の証言~

Doe's Testimony
- Mr. Doe's Testimony -

  1. I understand that the person in the raincoat is suspicious.
  2. However, that doesn't mean that he was injured. I don't suppose you have proof?
  3. Clearly, my left arm is injured, but I can still use my right arm.
  4. When it was raining, I used an umbrella. I have no need for a raincoat.

  1. レインコートの人物が怪しいのは分かりました。
  2. でも、持ち主がケガをしていたとは限いません。証拠はないでしょう?
  3. たしかに、わたくしは左腕にケガをしていますが、左腕は使えるのです。
  4. 雨天の時はカサを使いました。レインコートなで、必要ありません。

Rebuttal: Mr. Doe's Testimony / 追究 ~田中の証言~


Present the Red Raincoat (赤いレインコート) on the second statement. Doe's wound has reopened, so the bloodstain is your proof. He continues to insist, however, that he is not responsible, but concedes that the raincoat is his. He gives you another testimony to try and prove that he is not the assassin.

Doe's Testimony: Mr. Doe's Testimony, Pt. 2 / 田中の証言 ~田中の証言②~

Doe's Testimony
- Mr. Doe's Testimony, Pt. 2 -

  1. I am no assassin. I'm just a simple ice cream salesman.
  2. All I did was put on that red raincoat and listen to the president's speech.
  3. It surprised me to see the bodyguards take action just before the gunshot rang out.
  4. Everyone in the audience immediately tried to escape, creating a state of panic.

  1. わたくしは、暗殺者ではありません。ただのアイス売りでございます。
  2. 赤いレインコートを着て、大統領の演説を聞いていただけ。
  3. ボティガードが突然走り出して、銃声がしたてきはおどろきましたよ。
  4. 観客がいっせいに逃げようとして、パニック状態でしたわ。

Doe presents another explanation for Kay's photograph: what if he wasn't the only one in a red raincoat? Edgeworth isn't convinced.

Rebuttal: Mr. Doe's Testimony, Pt. 2 / 追究 ~田中の証言②~


Press the third statement. Doe says that the bodyguard to the president's left, Ethan Rooke (外城 涯 (とじろう がい) Tojiro Gai) was especially capable. He seems suspiciously knowledgeable about the bodyguards, though. He adds another statement to his testimony.

  • The man on the left side of the stage was exceptionally quick. A Mr. Ethan Rooke, as I recall.
  • ステージ左側の方が早かったですね。確か、外城 涯様と仰られましたか。

Present the Security Plans (警備プランの資料) on this statement. How is he on first-name terms with Rooke, if even Edgeworth only knew his surname? He now claims to be an acquaintance of Rooke's, and you can't use that to prove he fired the gun. No matter what he tries, Edgeworth just can't pin any blame on him without enough evidence.

However, the rest of the crowd are growing suspicious of Doe, so he finally decides to "tell the truth". He claims to have seen another person in a red hood, pointing a laser beam at the president, and that he disposed of his own coat to avoid suspicion. He says that the other red-hooded person was standing behind Winston Payne, which matches up with Kay's photo. However, he says, there is a contradiction in Kay's photo, and Edgeworth holds the evidence that proves it. Present Nicole's Tape Recorder (速水の録音テープ). Someone, who should be clearly visible in the image, is missing. Who? Present Nicole Swift's profile (速水 ミキコ). Nicole was close enough to Payne to record him whispering, but her distinctive yellow/green parka is nowhere to be seen. It seems you'll need to get her to give her testimony.

Nicole's Testimony: Ms. Swift’s Testimony / 速水の証言 ~速水の証言~

Nicole's Testimony
- Ms. Swift's Testimony -

  1. It ain't like I stayed in one spot while I was recording.
  2. I was movin' around the audience area. Shufflin' here and there.
  3. I reckon this picture must'a been snapped at a different time to my tape recordin'.
  4. So quit makin' that scary face. It ain't what ya think.

  1. なにもウチ、ずって動かずに録音していたわけやないんです。
  2. 客席の人ゴミの中を、あっちにっちフラフラしとったんですわ。
  3. ウチが、そこ離れた時の写真かも。録音したのと別のタイミングですわ。
  4. そない、クワイ顔して話すようなにとちがいますよお。

Edgeworth says he has already seen the contradiction. It's up to you to present the evidence that shows it.

Rebuttal: Ms. Swift’s Testimony / 追究 ~速水の証言~

File:GK2 1-1 Present Kay's Photo - Hayami Testimony 1.png

Present Nicole's Tape Recorder (速水の録音テープ) or Kay's Camera Data (美雲の写真) on the third statement. There's a specific pair of lines in her recording that prove she should be visible in Kay's photo. You are now asked to point out what part of Kay's photo lines up with Nicole's recording. Present the President's raised right arm. Nicole's tape was recorded at the moment the President raised his fist in the air, and immediately after this, Payne and the Chief Prosecutor can be heard whispering. Nicole claims that she has never worn the red raincoat you're holding. So, who did it belong to? You've already proven that John Doe (田中 太郎) owns it. So where did the other red hood come from? Well, remember when Nicole mentioned her parka was reversible? As Kay points out, the currently-hidden side of Nicole's parka is red! She weakly tries to claim that she wasn't wearing the red side of her parka, but folds easily after Edgeworth points out that if that was true, the red side of her parka should be dry.

Just as she is about to explain, she is interrupted by the arrival of Horace Knightley (内藤 馬乃介 (なあいとう まのすけ) Naitō Manosuke), one of the President's bodyguards, and he has good news... and bad news. The good news is that the President is alive and well... but the bad news is that Ethan Rooke was killed ensuring his safety. Knightley suspects that Nicole was responsible, and wants to bring her in for questioning, but refuses to allow Edgeworth to investigate Rooke's death, or to question the President himself, as the case is to be taken over by the police of Zheng Fa. Just as it seems Edgeworth's investigation has come to a close, John Doe reveals his true colours - he is, in reality, the infamous professional assassin Shelly de Killer (虎狼死家 左々右エ門 (ころしや さざえもん) Koroshiya Sazaemon), and has taken Knightley hostage at knifepoint! He says he was hired to kill the President - but he planned to use a knife, not a gun. De Killer's demand is to allow Edgeworth to continue investigating, as he wants to find out the truth of Rooke’s death. With his life at stake, Knightley is forced to allow the investigation to continue. "A stroke of luck" might not be the most appropriate phrase, but at least Edgeworth can now continue to search for the truth.