Granite WMS/Installation/Services

In order to run multiple copies of the same Service on the same PC: Let's assume you already have a LabelPrinting Service running and it is called Granite Label Printing Service under services.msc Open an command prompt in Administrator Mode. Change to the Service folder you want to run a copy of, i.e. LabelPrinting or Integration

C:\Program Files (x86)\Cradle Technology Services\Granite Label Printing Service> Then type the following: (Be careful to note make typos, otherwise you have to delete the service you just created and will have to restart the server to get rid of it from Services.msc before you can add it back using the same name) The part between SC CREATE and BINPATH is what you want to call the service. Binpath is where the files for the service are located. This is important. Otherwise the service will not work. DisplayName is what it will show in Services.msc sc create Granite Label Printing Service 2 binpath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cradle Technology Services\Granite Label Printing Service\Granite.LabelPrinting.exe" DisplayName = "Granite Label Printing Service 2" Hit ENTER If you typed everything right, you will get: [SC] CreateService SUCCESS Now go to Services.msc and you will see the "copy" of the service. Start it. If you made a mistake, delete the service as follows: sc delete servicename Restart server