Georgia Water/Water Policy/Issues/Background

Chapter 2. Water Resources Policy in Georgia

2.5.1. Background -- Identifying the Issues

Timeline of Issues Identification


1999 - ACCG/GMA Joint Task Force on Water Resource Policy

  1. Clearly state a comprehensive water management strategy,
  2. Refine Georgia's water allocation policies,
  3. Encourage multi-jurisdictional water management on a regional/watershed basis,
  4. Coordinate water and land use planning and management.

2001 - Georgia Board of Natural Resources

  • The Georgia Board of Natural Resources prepared the Water Issues White Paper(May, 2001) which provided a summary of current water law in Georgia and "identified fifteen specific water issues and solutions which are recommended for consideration by the Joint Study Comittee for inclusion in the Comprehensive Water Plan."
  1. Interbasin water transfers
  2. Allocation of state water to private entities for resale
  3. Improve allocation of water for agricultural use
  4. Statewide water conservation
  5. Interim instream flow protection strategy
  6. Priorities for water use during drought
  7. Privately owned public water systems
  8. Assure a reliable and adequate water supply in growth areas with water supply reservoirs
  9. Real-time water management
  10. Water quality monitoring
  11. Attain water quality standards
  12. Assure wastewater capacity in growth areas
  13. Develop and implement erosion and sedimentation control improvements
  14. Public information and involvement
  15. Improve old water and sewer infrastructure

2002 - Joint Comprehensive Water Plan Study Committee

1. Wastewater Capacity in Growth Areas
2. Improvement of Old Water and Sewer Infrastructure
3. Attaining Water Quality Standards/TMDLs
4. Cost-Effective Stormwater Solutions
5. Septic Tank Installation and Maintenance
6. Protection and Management of Georgia’s Aquifer Recharge Areas
7. Source Water Assessment/Protection
8. Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Wetlands, Marshlands, and other Aquatic Ecosystems
9. Water as a Public Resource versus a Market Commodity
10. Allocating/Reallocating Water among Users
11. Allocation of State Water to Private Entities for Resale
12. Legal Status of Water Withdrawals, Permits and Transfers
13. Legal Status of the Water in Aquifers while in the Ground and Following Withdrawal
14. Interbasin Water Transfer and Basin-of-Origin Protection
15. Water for Agricultural Use
16. Statewide Water Conservation and Efficiency
17. Water Reuse
18. Consumptive Use Measurement and Reduction
19. Instream Flow Protection Standards and Strategy
20. Priorities for Water Use during Drought
21. Irrigation Efficiency and Research
22. Overdraft of the Floridan Aquifer/Salt Water Intrusion
23. Water Supply Reservoirs
24. Aquifer Storage and Recovery
25. Flood Mitigation, Floodplain Management, and Dam Safety
26. Lake Protection and Management
27. Development/Implementation of Erosion and Sedimentation Control Improvements
28. State and Substate/Regional Water Management Options
29. Privately Owned Public Water Systems
30. Interstate Water Issues
31. Real-Time Water Management
32. Water Management with Increased Variation in Weather Patterns
33. Interagency Coordination
34. Enforcement
35. Water Quality, Quantity, and Biotic Integrity Monitoring
36. Data Management Systems
37. Public Information and Involvement
38. Statewide Watershed Management and Assessment Information/Standards
39. Increase Funding and Personnel for Water Resources Administration, Including Monitoring
40. Availability and Use of Federal Funding for Water-Related Activities
41. Water for Energy Production Systems
42. Water Security
  1. Water Quantity Allocation
  2. Instream Flow Protection
  3. Ground Water Level Protection
  4. Water Quality (TMDL) Allocation
  5. Water Conservation/Efficiency/Reuse

Issues Identified, by Organization
