Georgia Water/Policy/Georgia Environmental Policy Act

Chapter 2. Water Policy

2.3. Georgia Water Law

Summary of the Act


"The Georgia Environmental Policy Act (GEPA) requires that all State agencies and activities prepare an Environmental Impact Report as part of the decision-making process for all activities that may have an impact on the environment. Alternatives to the proposed project or activity must be considered as part of the report.
The Act states that any proposed governmental action which may “significantly adversely affect the quality of the environment”, including the state’s air, water, land, plants, and animals, requires an Environmental Effects Report. As outlined in the Act, an Environmental Effects Report describes the environmental impact and any adverse environmental effects of the action, alternative actions, mitigation measures proposed to avoid or minimize impact, and other effects of the action.
The government agency responsible for the action authors the report and provides it to the director of the Environmental Protection Division (EPD) in the DNR. A notice that the report has been prepared is to be published in the legal organ of each county in which the action is to take place, which may lead to a public hearing regarding the action. The Act requires the director of the EPD to issue guidelines to assist government agencies in the preparation of environmental effects reports." [1]

Legislative history


Specific provisions of the Act


Administration of the Act


Effectiveness of the Act



  1. Appendix G. Laws and regulations affecting wildlife in Georgia