Free Knowledge Culture Calendar/March 18

Nous sommes non seulement consommateurs mais aussi créateurs. Out of a need for visibility for Africans as creators, Made in Nigeria was launched today in 2017 to showcase software tools of global relevance that are made by Nigerians. It quickly took off when it was announced on Twitter two days later and spawned a wave of similar lists for other African countries.

Talent and brains are a major export of Africa, and the technology sector and Open Source (web) development are booming, especially in Nigeria, the world’s fastest-growing Open Source contributer region in 2020. Yet locals struggle to be recognized as creators and not just seen as passive consumers or even victims, with perceptions of Africans shaped by stereotypes and systemic racism rooted in colonialism. People regularly have to clarify that Africa is a whole continent, not just a country. Although Free Software is all about community, there was actually little diversity.

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