Fluid Mechanics/Formulas

This section serves as a general review section.

Table of Useful Formulas

Name Equation Notes subject
Acceleration of a fluid particle   Fluid Mechanics/Kinematics
Ideal Gas Law   ,   ,   kJ/(kmol*K) Fluid Mechanics/Compressible Flow
Buoyancy force   V=Volume Fluid Statics
Pressure variation in motionless incompressible fluid   Fluid Statics
Hydrostatic Force on plane surface     =vertical dist centroid of area Fluid Statics
Hydrostatic Force on curved surface  
Fluid Statics
Navier-Stokes Vector form   Fluid Mechanics/Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
Navier-Stokes in x   Fluid Mechanics/Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
Navier-Stokes in y   Fluid Mechanics/Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
Navier-Stokes in z   Fluid Mechanics/Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
Shear Stress     Fluid Mechanics/Analysis Methods
Stream Function   and   Kinematics
Conservation of Mass, Steady in compressible   Fluid Mechanics/Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
Fluid Rotation   =0 if irrotational Fluid Mechanics/Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
Streamline Flow   Fluid Mechanics/Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
Streamline   Fluid Mechanics/Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
Streakline   Fluid Mechanics/Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
Volumetric Dilation   0 for incompressible Fluid Mechanics/Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
Vorticity   Fluid Mechanics/Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
Specific Weight     Fluid Mechanics/Analysis Methods
Surface Tension   of droplet Fluid Mechanics/Analysis Methods
Capillary Rise in Tube   Fluid Mechanics/Analysis Methods
Torque   Nm Other
Streamline Coordinates   V always tan to   Fluid Mechanics/Analysis Methods
Control volume 1st law of thermodynamics

  || || Fluid Mechanics/Control Volume Analysis

Common Symbols, Terms and meanings

Symbol Meaning Units (SI) Notes Subject
  (tau) Shear Stress     Fluid Mechanics/Analysis Methods
  (nu) Kinematic Viscosity    
  (gamma) Specific Weight     Fluid Mechanics/Analysis Methods
Lagrangian With particle Fluid Mechanics/Kinematics
Eulerian Field perspective Fluid Mechanics/Kinematics
Streakline continually released markers Fluid Mechanics/Kinematics
Pathline path of one particle Fluid Mechanics/Kinematics
Stream Lines tangent to velocity   =constant Fluid Mechanics/Kinematics
  (psi) Stream Function 1 Fluid Mechanics/Kinematics
  viscosity N/m^2s Fluid Mechanics/Kinematics
e total stores energy per unit mass for each particle in the system Fluid Mechanics/Control Volume Analysis
  internal energy per unit mass Fluid Mechanics/Control Volume Analysis
  rate of heat transfer Fluid Mechanics/Control Volume Analysis
  rate of work transfer Fluid Mechanics/Control Volume Analysis

Common Physical Properties

gamma water 62.4 lb/ft^3