Famous Theorems of Mathematics/π is transcendental/Proof

The mathematical constant is a transcendental number (or inalgebraic).

In other words, it is not a root of any polynomial with rational coefficients.



Let us assume that   is algebraic, so there exists a polynomial


such that  .

Part 1


Lemma: If   is algebraic, then   is algebraic.

Proof: We get


hence   is a root of the polynomial



Therefore, there exists a polynomial   of degree   with roots  , such that  .

By Euler's identity we have  . Therefore:


The exponents are symmetric polynomial in  , and among them are   non-zero sums. That is:


As we previously learned, for all   there exists a monic polynomial   of degree   such that its roots are the sums of every   of the roots  . Therefore:


After reduction we get that:


Multiplying by the least common multiple   of the rational coefficients, we get a polynomial of the form


Part 2


Let   be a polynomial of degree  . Let us define  . Taking its derivative yields:


Let us define  . Taking its derivative yields:


By fundamental theorem of calculus, we get:


Now let:


Summing all the terms yields:


Part 3


Lemma: Let   be a polynomial with a root   of multiplicity  . Then   for all  .

Proof: By strong induction.

Let us write  , with   a polynomial such that  .

For   we get:


Assume that for all   the claim holds for all  .
We shall prove that for   the claim holds for all  :


The blue part is of multiplicity  , with   a polynomial such that  .
Hence their product satisfies the induction hypothesis.


Part 4


Let us now define:


and   is a prime number such that  . We get:


hence for all  , the function   is a polynomial with integer coefficients all divisible by  .

By parts 1 and 3, we get:


The red part is an integer not divisible by  .
The green part is an integer divisible by  .
The blue part is the most important:
By Vieta's formulae we get


and the sums are symmetric polynomials in  . Therefore, these can be expressed as polynomials


In addition, we get:


Hence, the blue part is an integer divisible by  .

Conclusion:   is an integer not divisible by  , and particularly  .

Part 5


By part 2, we get:


By the triangle inequality for integrals, we get:


By the triangle inequality, we get:


On the other hand, we get


hence for sufficiently large   we get  . A contradiction.


Conclusion:   is transcendental, hence   is transcendental.

