FHSST Physics/Electrostatics/Summary

The Free High School Science Texts: A Textbook for High School Students Studying Physics
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Definition - Charge - Electrostatic Force - Electric Fields - Electrical Potential - Important Equations and Quantities

Important Equations and Quantities

Table 12.1: Units used in Electrostatics
Quantity Symbol Unit S.I. base units Direction
charge q or Q C (coulomb) A·s --
force   N (newton) kg·m/s² or kg·m·s² yes
mass m kg (kilogram) kg --
acceleration   metre per second squared m/s² or m·s² yes
radial distance r m (metre) m --
electric field   N/C or V/m kg·m/(A·s³) or kg·m·A−-1·s−3 yes
work W J (joule) kg·m2/s2 or kg·m2·s−2 --
potential difference V V (volt) kg·m2/(A·s3) or kg·m2·A−1·s−3 --