English Grammar Worksheet/Synonyms
Answer the following questions.
Which of the following has the closest meaning to persnickety?
- Meticulous
- Sloppy
- Nit-picking
- Careful
Which of the following has the closest meaning to sagacious?
- Cunning
- Clever
- Wise
- Perfect
Which of the following has the closest meaning to bossy?
- Officious
- Lazy
- Authoritative
- Unwelcoming
Which of the following has the closest meaning to horror?
- Fear
- Terror
- Fright
- Scare
Which of the following idioms has the closest meaning to kick the bucket?
- Open Davy Jones' Locker
- Pop your clogs
- Lose your life
- Done for
You just looked up the thesaurus for angry. Two of the results are furious and heated. If your sentence is 'Mother was very ______ because the children broke the window', which word would be better? Explain. Change the following sentences using synonyms.
- I bought some toys at the new store and got a coupon.
- He said he was very hungry and needed some food.
Explain the difference between patriotic and chauvinistic.