English-Hanzi/Yoga drops your blood pressure

If you’ve got high blood pressure, you might benefit from yoga. Two studies of people with hypertension, published in the British medical journal The Lancet, compared the effects of Savasana (Corpse Pose) with simply lying on a couch. After three months, Savasana was associated with a 26-point drop in systolic blood pressure (the top number) and a 15-point drop in diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number)—and the higher the initial blood pressure, the bigger the drop.

yoga 运动 可 改善 高血压。有关 高血压 患者 的 两项 研究 发表 在 英国 医学 杂志 “柳叶刀” 上,比较 Savasana 姿势(挺卧式 姿势)对 简单 躺 在 沙发 上 的 影响。三个 月 后,Savasana 锻炼 使 收缩压(顶部 数字)下降 26点,使 舒张压(底部 数字)下降 15点 - 初始 血压 越高,下降 越大。