The spine is a column of vertebrae in the back part of the torso (upper body). It is also called the backbone or vertebral column. There is a canal that runs through the length of the spine. Inside this canal is the spinal cord. Animals that have a spine are called vertebrates, and animals that don't have one are called invertebrates. Humans have a spine, so we are vertebrates. Many vertebrates, including mammals, have intervertebral discs separating the vertebrae.

脊椎 是 躯干(上身)后部 的 一列 椎骨。它 也 被 称为 脊骨 或 脊柱。有 一条 管道 贯穿 整条 脊椎。这条 管道 里面 是 脊髓。有 脊椎 的 动物 称为 脊椎动物,而 没有 脊椎 的 动物 称为 无脊椎动物。人类 有 脊椎,所以 我们 是 脊椎动物。包括 哺乳动物 在内 的 许多 脊椎动物 都 有 将 椎骨 分开 的 椎间盘。