Electronics Handbook/Circuits/Tuned Resonance Selected Band-pass Filter

Circuit Configuration edit


Analysis edit

  • At ω = 0 , Capacitor opens circuit . Therefore, I = 0
  • At Resonance Frequency , Impedance of L and C cancel out.

Therefore, the Impedance of the circuit is R and at minimum value and Current will be at its maximum value

ZL - ZC = 0 .
Z = ZR + ZL + ZC = ZR + 0 = R
  • At ω = 0 , Inductor opens circuit . Therefore, I = 0

From three paired value ω and I graph of I - ω can be plotted . From graph

ω I
0 0
00 0

At resonance frequency  , current is at its maximum value   . If the current is reduced to half the resonance value   then the circuit is respond to a bandwidth of frequencies   . Further reduce or increase the value of the current below or above   the circuit will respond to a Wider or Narrower Bandwidth

In conclusion, RLC series can be used as a Resonance Tuned Selectede Band Width Filter by Tuning L or C into Resonance Frquency to have a maximum value . Increasing or Descreasing the value of R to yield a desired bandwidth

Summary edit

Tuned Resonance Selected Band Pass Filter Operation
RLC eries
1) Tune L or C into Resonance Frquency 
. Current is at its mmaximum value 

2) Reduce Current by increasing R
. Current value at   voltage is stable over a band width  
. Current under the value I <   Current is stable over a wide band width  
. Current over the value I >   Current is stable over a narrow band width