Electronics/RL transient

For a series RL of one resistor connected with one inductor in a closed loop

Circuit Impedance


In Polar Form Z/_θ

  = R/_0 + ω L/_90
Z = |Z|/_θ =  /_Tan-1 

In Complex Form Z(jω)


Differential Equation of circuit at equilibrium


Time Constant

t I(t) % Io
0 A = eC = Io 100%
R/L .63 Io 60% Io
2 R/L Io
3 R/L Io
4 R/L Io
5 R/L .01 Io 10% Io

Angle Difference between Voltage and Current


Voltage leads Current at an angle ? When a determining process is necessary many problems arise in a diagram. We need to expend on one process for the determing factor in this type of formulae

Tan? =  

Change the value of R and L will change the value Angle Difference, Angular Frquency, Frequency, Time