A Guide to the Study of Ecosystems


Introduction to the Guide
How to use this Guide
A special note ~ How to contribute

Detailed contents

Rapadelta, Lappland, Sweden
Chapter 1 ~ Introduction  
  • Definition of Ecology
  • Scope of Ecology
  • History of Ecology
Chapter 2 ~ Biological Organization  
  • Basic Definitions
  • Units of the Biosphere
  • Gaia Theory
  • Species and Habitat

Section I – Communities

High elevation conifers, Sierra Nevada, California, USA / credit: Marshman
Chapter 3 ~ The Abiotic World  
  • The Physical Environment
  • Organism Morphology
  • Organism Physiology
  • Organism Behavior
Chapter 4 ~ Biological Communities  
  • Communities
  • Terrestrial Biomes
  • Succession
  • Limnology
Chapter 5 ~ Community succession and stability  
  • Community Stability
  • Disturbance
  • Problems Determining Stability
  • Charles Elton
Chapter 6 ~ Invasive Species Ecology  
  • Introduction
  • Species status
  • Invasive Theories
  • Summarization
Chapter 7 ~ Species Richness and Diversity  
  • Species Richness and Diversity Introduction
  • Rapoport's Rule
  • Metabolic Hypothesis
  • Diversity Measurements
Chapter 8 ~ Island Biogeography and Habitat Fragmentation  
  • Island Biogeography
  • Endemism
  • Habitat Fragmentation
  • Metapopulation Theory

Section II – Populations

A large pond and wetlands near Minsk, Belarus / credit: Hades
Chapter 9 ~ Species and Populations  
  • Species Concept
  • Population Biology
  • Predation
Chapter 10 ~ Resource Competition  
  • Population Growth
  • Competition Types
  • Modeling Interspecific Competition
Chapter 11 ~ Predation and Herbivory  
  • Types of Predation
  • Herbivory
  • Plant Defenses
  • Predator-Prey Models
Chapter 12 ~ Parasitism  
  • Introduction
  • Types of Parasitism
  • The Host
  • Parasite Community Effects

Section III – Ecosystems

Potato field in Fort Fairfield, Maine, USA
Chapter 13 ~ Ecosystems  
  • Introduction
  • Ecosystem Concept
  • Basic Structural Components
  • Characteristics of Esosystems
  • Basic Functional Components
  • Food Webs
Chapter 14 ~ Energy in Ecosystems  
  • Introduction
  • Energy
  • Organisms Role in the Flow of Energy
  • The Laws of Thermodynamics as They Relate to Ecology
  • Measuring Energy Flow
Chapter 15 ~ Biogeochemical Cycles  
  • Introduction
  • Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Soil

Section IV – Ecology of the Organism life history examples

Dunes in Death Valley, California, USA / credit: Urban
Chapter 16 ~ Manatee  
Chapter 17 ~ Short-Tailed Hawk  
Chapter 18 ~ Peregrine Falcon  
Chapter 19 ~ North American River Otter  
Chapter 20 ~Pinewoods Treefrog
Chapter 21 ~ Cottonmouth Snake  

Section V – Practical Ecology

Practical Vegetation Sampling

Appendix A – Glossaries of Ecological Terms

Glossary 1 – Basic Ecology  
Glossary 2 – Invasive Species 
Glossary 3 – Methodologies