A Guide to Discord/Voice chatting

Voice channels allow you to communicate with other server members via audio and video.

Members of a Fortnite Discord server utilizing voice channels to collaborate

Joining a voice channel edit

Voice channels are identified by the speaker icon. Simply click on the channel to join it. A green outline will highlight your avatar when you speak.

Once you join the channel, two icons will appear next to your username: a microphone and a pair of headphones. Click on the microphone to mute yourself. Click on the headphones to deafen yourself (this means you will no longer hear other members). Deafening yourself also automatically mutes you.

To leave the voice channel, click on the phone with the "x" icon.

Voice Activity vs. Push-to-Talk edit

Discord offers two voice input modes: Voice Activity and Push-to-Talk.

Voice Activity automatically determines input sensitivity, but it can cause audio issues. Uncheck the box to manually adjust input sensitivity. Set sensitivity high enough to avoid transmitting sound when not speaking, but low enough to capture soft speech. Voice Activity has a 200ms delay, plus additional delay based on server distance.

How to adjust input sensitivity in Discord

Push-to-Talk requires you to hold a dedicated key in order to transmit audio. You can set a keybind in User Settings > Voice & Video. Unlike Voice Activity, Push-to-Talk can be used without any inherent delay. Push-to-Talk only works in the browser app when the window is in focus, and the desktop client is required in order to universally access it across the system.

Managing other users edit

Right click on another member of a voice channel to manage their settings. You can raise or lower their volume, or mute them entirely. You can also disable their video.

These options only apply to you, for example, if you disable another user's video, everyone else will still be able to view it.

Video chatting edit

Click on the video icon while in a voice chat to turn on your camera.

Sharing Your Screen edit

Click on the "Screen" icon, then choose whether you want to share a specific application window or an entire screen. Press the "Go Live" button to share your screen.