Name the four major histologic types of bronchogenic carcinoma, and state the difference between non-small cell and small cell lung cancer
Name the type of non-small cell lung cancer that most commonly cavitates
Name the types of bronchogenic carcinoma that are usually central
Describe the TNM classification for staging non-small cell lung cancer, including the components of each stage (I, II, III, IV, and substages), and the definition of each component (T1-4, N0-3, M0-1)
State the staging of small cell lung cancer
Name the four most common extrathoracic sites for non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer to metastasize
State which stages of non-small cell lung cancer are potentially resectable
Recognize abnormal contralateral mediastinal shift on a post-pneumonectomy chest radiograph and state five possible etiologies for the abnormal shift
Name the most common location for adenoid cystic and carcinoid tumors to occur
Suggest the possibility of radiation change as a cause of new apical opacification on a chest radiograph of a patient with evidence of mastectomy and/or axillary node dissection
Describe the acute and chronic radiographic and CT appearance of radiation injury in the thorax (lung, pleura, pericardium, esophagus) and the temporal relationship to radiation therapy
State the role of MR in lung cancer staging (e.g. chest wall invasion, superior sulcus or Pancoast tumor)
State the role of positron emission tomography (PET) in lung cancer staging
Describe the TNM classification for staging esophageal carcinoma, including the components of each stage (I, II, III, IV) and the definition of each component (T, N and M)
State the role of imaging in the staging of esophageal carcinoma
State which stages of esophageal carcinoma are potentially resectable
State the classification of lymphoma, the role of imaging in the staging of lymphoma, and the typical and atypical manifestations of thoracic lymphoma
Define primary pulmonary lymphoma
Describe the typical chest radiograph and chest CT appearances of Kaposi sarcoma