Development Cooperation Handbook/Overview of the Handbook Content

The Handbook is divided into two sections: Theoretical and Practical.
The chapters of the theoretical section are visible in the left hand column of the Table of Contents under "Informing and setting the vision"; here, we introduce the Principles of International Cooperation and analyze the main issues in building Global Partnerships for Development.

The chapters of the practical section are listed in the right hand column of the Table of Contents under "Development Cooperation in Action"; here indications and tools are provided for the benefit of persons and organizations that work in development cooperation actions.

Together, the wiki and the handbook comprise the knowledge resources that have been collected and shared

The theoretical section


(left column of the index)

In this section, we describe the scopes and challenges of development cooperation; including:

  • a discussion on the definition of "development" and "aid";
  • an introduction to cooperation methodologies and approaches;

  an overview of the main issues on the table.

The Practical Section


(right column of the index)

In this section, we share:

  testimonies by development cooperation actors from their actual experience "on the ground"
  stories of development cooperation projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America

  • an overview of the general characteristics of development cooperation organizations;
  • steps and methods for preparing, implementing and communicating international development projects;

  a toolbox: i.e. a set of specific resources that facilitate and help standardize these steps and methods.

Methodological approach


The resources collected here specifically aim at:

  • facilitating the understanding of the various phases of programme cycle and project management;
  • managing effectively the communication elements of development cooperation;
  • capacity building, among society's marginalized sections, for participating in development processes.

A basic assumption of this manual is that the best managerial style for a development cooperation organization is that of designing and managing itself and its culture in a way that it becomes:

The combination of these three factors nurtures a communication climate that helps organisations work strategically, collaboratively and cost-effectively while being innovative and accountable at the same time.

See also

Responsibility and challenges of the media in covering development cooperation

  In the documentary story ⇒ Preparing a manual



You are invited to contribute to improving and expanding the Handbook. Your critical suggestions are most welcome. Do send an e-mail message if you'd like to provide feedback or share resources and tools that can be linked to this Handbook.
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