Development Cooperation Handbook/Magazines and Journals

Section of Tools of Development Cooperation Handbook

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Format for bigliography Articles: Author. (if given), Article title, Periodical title. Date of publication. If available intetrnet link, Database Name Date of access Exemple: Benton Foundation (1998). Losing ground bit by bit: Low-income communities in the information age [Electronic version]. Retrieved June 27, 2001, from

Newsletter released by UNDP Romanian on the results of a survey on altitudes of Romanians towards official development assistance:


GCAP Poverty Hearings and Women's Tribunals 2008

This report presents the finding of a Women's Tribunal in New York City which calls for systemic changes to end poverty. The findings were presented to the UN Secretary-General and the President of the UN General Assembly on the occasion of the High-level Event on the Millennium Development Goals held on September 25, 2008. The verdicts of this, as in the other Tribunals, arrive at the same general conclusion: the eradication of poverty cannot succeed without equality and justice for women. Prepared by Rosa G. Lizarde, Director, ENLACE and North American Representative of the Feminist Task Force-GCAP

UNDP Survey on Knowledge and Information Level of Romanian Citizens on EU Development Policies

A relevant quantitative research report conducted by UNDP to determine the knowledge and information level of Romanian citizens regarding the development policy of the European Union, the visibility of the European policy for development in Romania and the knowledge level regarding the Millennium Development Objectives.

Also, the study is meant to reveal the public attitude towards shift of Romania’s statute from recipient to fund donor and the most adequate messages to promote the new statute of Romania as a international donor.

Bunker Roy's Articles