Development Cooperation Handbook/Learning and Knowledge Management/Training as a Communication Strategy

Helping employees learn, whether technical information, management skills, or the ability required for specific organizational tasks, is an aspect of communicating with others that is often overlooked when examining the importance of communication in the organizational setting. Organizational training can be effective in not only communicating the specific skills that are part of a training course, but also of communicating the mission, vision, and goals of the organization. Understanding how training can aid in the overall communication process can make any manager more effective at reaching the goals of the organization. Training and Development within organizations con be seen as a strategic tool for the project/programme purpose and as a forward-thinking vehicle for change. The new training function is much more than just the traditional role it once played in organizations . Knowledgeable about needs assessment and familiar with the latest training technologies, training professionals assist the organization in communicating its mission, goals, and objectives, as well as facilitating the achievement of the mission. More and more organizations are allowing the training function to act as an independent project/programme purpose, receiving its funding from the other functions. Though this is not yet the norm, the movement toward having the training department function like a project/programme purpose is growing rapidly.

See also


In other sections of this handbook
  How do we manage the human resources of programmes and projects?
  The learning organization
  The employee empowering organization
  List of things to do in order to illustrate a project