Czech/Common phrases

Czech (Slavic)

Translation Phrase Pronunciation IPA Remarks
Czech Česky CHEHskee /'ʧɛski/
Czech Republic Česká republika CHEHskah REHpublikah /'ʧɛskaː ɾɛpublika/
hello dobrý den DObree den /'dobɾiː dɛn/ Literal translation: Good


good-bye na shledanou na sKHLEdanow /nɐ 'sxlɛdanou/ Literal

translation: Until we see each other again

please prosím PROseem /'pɾosiːm/ Literal translation: I beg
thank you děkuji vám DYEkooyi vam /'ɟɛkuji vaːm/
that one tamten tamten /tamtɛn/
how much? kolik KOlik /'kolik/
English anglicky anglytskee /angliʦki/
yes ano /ano/ More often is said "jo" /jo/ (!)
no ne /ne/
sorry promiňte /pɾomiɲte/ Literal translation: Forgive
cheers Na zdraví /na zdɾaviː/ Literal translation: To health
I don't understand Nerozumím /nɛɾozumiːm/
Where's the bathroom? Kde je toaleta? /gdɛ jɛ toaleta/
Do you speak English? Mluvíte anglicky? /mluviːtɛ angliʦki/
I don't speak Czech Nemluvím česky /nɛmluviːm 'ʧɛski/
Do you speak Czech? Mluvíte česky? /mluviːtɛ 'ʧɛski/
Where can I find a restaurant? Kde najdu restauraci? /gdɛ najdu ɾɛstaurɐʦi/
Where is the nearest hospital? Kde je nejbližší nemocnice? /gdɛ jɛ nɛjbliʃiː nɛmoʦniʦɛ/