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Part-time Jobs FAQ


How do I get a part-time job?

ICAP Step by Step


ICAP –Step-by-step process

1. Attend orientation and/or meet with ICAP coordinator 2. Begin researching possible ICAP placements (there will be a useful spreadsheet which will list many possible internship companies, and areas to consider when researching) 3. Short list top 3/4 programs that interest you. If needed meet with ICAP coordinator for additional help deciding between programs 4. Meet with Mike Dean-Study Abroad Office?? Traveling abroad orientation and info 5. Apply for program according to the requirements of the specific company 6. Once accepted on program meet contact ICAP coordinator so that a placement record can be made, at this point discuss possibility to get credit 7. If internship is degree related, student should then meet with Program Director (or specific person) in their college. This will determine whether the internship is suitable for credit. 8. If eligible for credit student should inform ICAP coordinator once they have registered for credit.

Breakdown of responsibilities ICAP coordinator-Assists with general program information, conducts orientations, attends fairs, advises students on general program questions

Liaison/Program Director-Assists student obtain credit for internship if suitable

Study Abroad Office-Conduct general orientation for students going abroad.

Updates and changes for ICAP • Update website with clear instructions on how to apply and what the process involves • Detailed and extensive list of companies that provide internships • Articulate for website of ICAP orientation • ICAP will most likely be NOT for credit, unless their internship specifically meets requirements of college • Updated list of methods of fundraising for ICAP • Group appointments will be available on ICAP coordinator's calendar in order to meet with groups of 5/6 students at one time