Basic emotes

  • akimbo - Stands with fists on hips looking foreward, hold stance; aka "wings".
  • angry - Fists on hips and slouches forward, as if glaring or grumbling, holds stance.
  • assumepositionwall - you assume the position against a wall
  • atease - Stands in the 'at ease' military position(legs spread out slightly, hands behind back) stance.
  • attack - Gives a charge! type point, fists on hips stance.
  • batsmash - Hits the ground in front with a baseball bat.
  • batsmashreact - reacts as though being batsmashed
  • bigwave - Waves over the head, fists on hips stance; aka "overhere".
  • boombox - Summons forth a boombox (it just appears) and leans over to turn it on, stands up and does a sort of dance. Boombox plays several different, short songs. (SOUND)
  • bow - Chinese/Japanese style bow, holds bow stance.
  • burp - A raunchy belch, wipes mouth with arm afterwards, ape-like stance. (SOUND)
  • cheer - Randomly does one of 3 cheers, 1 fist raised, 2 fists raised or 2 fists lowered; repeats.
  • clap - Claps hands several times, crossed arms stance. (SOUND)
  • coin, cointoss - Flips a coin, randomly displays heads or tails.
  • crossarms - Crosses arms; stance is slightly different than most other crossed arm stances.
  • dance - Randomly does one of a few dances.
  • dice - Picks up, shakes and rolls a die, randomly displays the results (1-6); default stance.
  • disagree - Shakes head, crosses hand in front, then offers an alternative, crossed arms stance.
  • dontattack - Synonym of no.
  • drat - Raises fists up, then down, stomping at the same time, same ending stance as frustrated.
  • drink - starts drinking cup of coffee
  • drumdance - Do a sort of side to side dance consisting of small jumps.
  • evillaugh - The character laughs in an evil manner (no sound).
  • explain - The character gestures with hands and other body language as if explaining something.
  • fancybow - A much more elegant, ball-room style bow; falls into neutral forward facing stance.
  • flashlight - Character looks around holding a flashlight.
  • flex - A side-stance flexing arms; aka "flex2".
  • flex1 - Fists raised, flexing arms stance.
  • flex2 - A side-stance flexing arms; aka "flex".
  • flex3 - Another side-stance, flexing arms.
  • frustrated - Raises both fists and leans backwards, shaking fists and head, leads into a quick-breathing angry-looking stance.
  • goaway - The character motions for someone to go away from them.
  • grief - Falls to knees, hands on forhead, looks up and gestures a sort of "why me?" look with hands, goes into a sort of depressed slump while on knees, holds stance.
  • hi - Simple greeting wave, fists on hips stance; aka "wave".
  • holdtorch - A lit torch appears in character's hand.
  • huh - Raises hands and cocks head in a classical "What?"/"I don't know" look; neutral forward facing stance; aka "shrug".
  • hmmm - Rubs chin as if thinking something over.
  • jumpingjacks - Does jumping jacks. (SOUND)
  • kata - Warm up/practice punches and blocks; aka "martialarts". (SOUND)
  • kneel - Quickly kneels on both knees with hands on thighs; holds stance.
  • laptop - A laptop computer appears on a table and the character uses it.
  • laugh - Fists on hips, tosses head back and laughs.
  • laugh2 - Stand to one side and laugh lightly, raising and lowering arms in amusement/disbelief.
  • lecture - Waves/shakes hands in different motions in a lengthy lecture; fists on hips stance.
  • ledgesit - Sits as if on a ledge or edge of block, with legs dangling over the side.
  • lotus - The character sits down in the lotus position with hands on knees/legs; holds stance.
  • martialarts - Warm up/practice punches and blocks; aka "kata". (SOUND)
  • militarysalute - Stands in the military-style, head-high, hand on forehead in salute stance.
  • newspaper - Materializes a newspaper and reads it.
  • no - Shakes head and waves hands in front of character; crossed arms stance.
  • nod - Fists on hips, nod yes, hold stance.
  • overhere - Waves over the head, fists on hips stance; aka "bigwave".
  • panhandle - You sit on the ground and wave a cup around, begging for change.
  • peerin - Raises hands to eyes as if trying to look through a window.
  • point - Extends left arm and points in direction character is facing; hold stance.
  • praise - The character quickly falls to his knees, hands in the air, and begins bowing nearly prostrate in adulation.
  • protest - Wave a fun protest sign around!
  • raisehand - Raises your right hand above your head, stance; aka "stop".
  • research - Flip through a book while making arm motions as if searching a shelve of books.
  • researchlow - Same as research except the player is crouching.
  • roar - Claws air, roaring, ape-like stance. (SOUND)
  • rock/paper/scissors - Plays rock/paper/scissors: displays choices for about 6 seconds, then displays your choice.
  • salute - A hand-on-forehead salute; fists on hips stance.
  • score1 to score10 - Holds a black on white scorecard up, ranging from 1-10 as specified; holds stance.
  • shrug - Raises hands and cocks head in a classical "What?"/"I don't know" look; neutral forward facing stance; aka "huh".
  • shucks - Swings fist and head dejectedly, neutral forward facing stance (not the default stance: same as "huh"/"shrug").
  • sit - Sits down, legs forward, with knees bent, elbows on knees, and slightly slumped over, stance.
  • slap - Raises hand does a quick slap. (SOUND)
  • slapreact - Head and body jerks to the side as if being slaped.
  • smack - The character raises his hand to slap in front of him, backhanded, with a smacking sound.
  • stop - Raises your right hand above your head, stance; aka "raisehand".
  • surrender - The character puts their hands in the air in surrender.
  • tarzan - Beats chest and howls, angry-looking stance. (SOUND)
  • taunt - Taunts, beckoning with both hands, combat stance; aka "taunt2". (SOUND)
  • taunt1 - Taunts, beckoning with one hand, then slaps fist into palm, repeating stance. (SOUND)
  • taunt2 - Taunts, beckoning with both hands, combat stance; aka "taunt". (SOUND)
  • thankyou - Gestures with hand, neutral forward facing stance; aka "thanks".
  • thanks - Gestures with hand, neutral forward facing stance; aka "thankyou".
  • thewave - Does "the wave" (as seen at sporting events); neutral facing forward stance.
  • thumbsup - Big (literally) thumbs up and an affirmative nod, fists on hips stance; aka "yes".
  • victory - Raises hands excitedly, and then again less excitedly, and then a third time almost non-chalantly; falls into neutral forward facing stance.
  • walllean - stand as if leaning against a wall.
  • wave - Simple greeting wave, fists on hips stance; aka "hi".
  • wavefist - Waves fist, hoots, and then claps (its a cheer); crossed arms stance. (SOUND)
  • welcome - Open arms welcomely, fists on hips stance.
  • whistle - Whistles (sounds like a police wistle); ready-stance. (SOUND)
  • wings - Stands with fists on hips looking foreward, hold stance; aka "akimbo".
  • winner - Fist in fist cheer, right, and then left, neutral forward facing stance, but apparently holding their breath.
  • yatayata - Heads turns slightly to left (as if to look to a person), right arm comes up and makes a motion like a talking puppet, then waves off as if in disbelief, then both hands on hips.
  • yes - Big (literally) thumbs up and an affirmative nod, fists on hips stance; aka "thumbsup".
  • yoga - Synonym of lotus.
  • yourewelcome - Bows head and gestures with hand; neutral forward facing stance.

Emotes new to Issue 7

  • afk - Synonym of sleep (Replaced Pre-I7 afk animation (newspaper)).
  • alakazam - You throw your hand out, palm forward, as if casting a spell.
  • alakazamreact - You jolt, paralysed, and in a flash of smoke or mist ... turn into a pumpkin. (Sound effect.)
  • backflip - You execute a rather impressive backflip.
  • bowdown - You command those around you to bow down before you.
  • chicken - You extend your elbows like wings, and flap them like a chicken, scratching at the ground with your feet.
  • crack - You crack your knuckles, aka "knuckles".
  • drink - A cup appears in your hand and you periodically raise it to your lips to drink.
  • dustoff - You brush, or dust off, your hands.
  • flip - You execute a rather impressive backflip.
  • getsome - You turn your hips and saucily swat your rump three times.
  • hmmm - You look skyward and take your chin in your hands, contemplating some deep question.
  • knuckles - You crack your knuckles. (Sound effect. Currently it sounds strange, like the rattling of tracks.)
  • plot - You hunch forward and rub your hands together, as if plotting something evil.
  • sleep - Your shoulders slump back, your arms drop limp to your sides, and your head slumps forward, chin resting on your chest. You are 'asleep', complete with comic "Z... Z... Z..." over your head.
  • talk - You nod your head and gesture with your hands as if talking to a person in front of you.
  • touchscreen - You reach out and touch the air, as if pressing 'buttons' on a touchscreen monitor. Best effect when used in front of a vending machine.
  • type - You reach out and begin typing in mid-air, as if at a keyboard.

Emotes new to Issue 8 (Now on test server)

  • dance1 to dance6 - You do a specific dance animation.
  • donut - You eat a donut.
  • eat, food - You eat a hotdog or hamburger (random).
  • invent - You play with a transparent Rubik cube.
  • listenpoliceband - You hold the PPD Police Band hologram and listen.
  • teabag - You soak a teabag in a cup of tea.
  • sitchair1 to sitchair3 - Sitting poses for chairs.
  • sitbench1 to sitbench4 - Sitting poses for benches.
  • sitexecutivechair - Sitting pose with both arms to the sides.
  • sitstool - Sitting pose for stools.
  • sittable1, sittable2 - Sitting poses for tables.

Boombox emotes


These emotes will make specific music play from your boombox.

  • bb
  • bbAltitude
  • bbBeat
  • bbCatchMe
  • bbDance
  • bbDiscoFreak
  • bbDogWalk
  • bbElectroVibe
  • bbHeavyDude
  • bbInfoOverload
  • bbJumpy
  • bbKickIt
  • bbLooker
  • bbMeaty
  • bbMoveOn
  • bbNotorious
  • bbPeace
  • bbQuickie
  • bbRaver
  • bbShuffle
  • bbSpaz
  • bbTechnoid
  • bbVenus
  • bbWahWah
  • bbWindItUp
  • bbYellow

Not functioning

  • paladinawaken (hover/fly) - Hunches and flexes with a build up sound, back arches, arms go wide and legs kick slighty as though emerging from cocoon.
  • paladinawaken (standing) - Hunches and flexes with a build up sound, blinks invisible for a second.
  • torch - A lit torch appears in the character's hand. (Use holdtorch instead.)