Circuit Theory/Laplace Circuit Solution

Laplace Circuit Solution


One of the most important uses of the Laplace transform is to solve linear differential equations, just like the type of equations that represent our first- and second-order circuits. This page will discuss the use of the Laplace Transform to find the complete response of a circuit.



Here are the general steps for solving a circuit using the Laplace Transform:

  1. Determine the differential equation for the circuit.
  2. Use the Laplace Transform on the differential equation.
  3. Solve for the unknown variable in the laplace domain.
  4. Use the inverse laplace transform to find the time domain solution.

Another method that we can use is:

  1. Transform the individual circuit components into impedance values using the Laplace Transform.
  2. Find the Transfer function that describes the circuit
  3. Solve for the unknown variable in the laplace domain.
  4. Use the inverse laplace transform to find the time domain solution.