Chess Opening Theory/1. h4/1...a5

Kádas Opening: Koola-Koola Variation


This opening is a little-known but strong response to 1.h4. After 2. h5 a4 3. h6 a3 4. hxg7 Bxg7 Black puts pressure on White's queenside.

Kádas Opening: Koola-Koola Variation
a b c d e f g h
8                 8
7                 7
6                 6
5                 5
4                 4
3                 3
2                 2
1                 1
a b c d e f g h

White's responses


White has many decent replies.

  • 2.h5 this move is a mistake
  • 2.a4 a strong move that blocks the advance of the a-pawn. after 2...h5 an equal position arises
  • 2.g3 An interesting move, preparing the bishop's exit to g2.



No statistics as 1. h4 a5 is rarely played.