Chess Opening Theory/1. g4/1...f5

1...f5 - Alessi Gambit


This offbeat, dubious gambit attacks the g4 pawn immediately, but allows White to take the pawn with 2. gxf5.

Advantages of 1...f5:

  • Puts opponent off their comfort zone.
  • Unknown, relatively surprising.
  • Confuses lots of players.
  • Can be tricky.
  • Goes out of known theory.

Disadvantages of 1...f5:

  • Weakens kingside.
  • Sacrifices pawn for no apparent reason.
  • White can get a good position if they know that they are doing.
  • Does not contribute to development.
  • Even if we develop (Nf6, Bg7, Qe7, O-O, Bf5, Nc6, O-O-O), White can keep up and consolidate their one pawn advantage.

1.g4 f5