Chess/Computer Chess/Star Wars Chess/Sample moves

Sample moves by computer vs. computer


The computer may or may resign in this game depending on which console versions.

Lowest level in DOS version


Setting the computer to the lowest level means the fastest (5 seconds) but weakest moves. Longer thinking time by the computer may be added in the increment of 5 seconds. Reversible algebraic notation is hereby used:

The Rebels win!

  1. Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6
  2. Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6
  3. e2-e4 d7-d5
  4. e4xd5 Nf6xd5
  5. Bf1-b5 Qd8-d6
  6. 0-0 e7-e6
  7. Nc3-e4 Qd6-f4
  8. d2-d3 Qf4-g4
  9. Nf3-e5 Qg4xQd1
  10. Rf1xQd1 Nd5-b4
  11. Bc1-d2 Nb4xc2
  12. Ne5xNc6 Nc2xRa1
  13. Rd1xNa1 Bc8-d7
  14. Nc6-d4 c7-c6
  15. Bb5-c4 Bf8-e7
  16. h2-h3 0-0
  17. Nd4-f3 Ra8-d8
  18. d3-d4 Rf8-e8
  19. Ra1-c1 h7-h6
  20. Bd2-a5 b7-b6
  21. Ba5-c3 f7-f6
  22. Bc4-b3 a7-a6
  23. Nf3-h4 Kg8-h7
  24. Nh4-f3 Be7-f8
  25. Bb3-c2 f6-f5
  26. Ne4-d2 Bf8-d6
  27. Nf3-e5 Bd6xNe5
  28. d4xBe5 c6-c5
  29. Nd2-c4 Rd8-b8
  30. Nc4-d6 Re8-d8
  31. Rc1-d1 Bd7-b5
  32. Rd1-d2 Bb5-c6
  33. Bc2-b3 Bc6-d5
  34. Bb3xBd5 e6xBd5
  35. Rd2xd5 Rb8-b7
  36. e5-e6 Rb7-c7
  37. Rd5-e5 Rd8xNd6
  38. e6-e7 Rc7-c8
  39. e7-e8=Q Rd6-d1+
  40. Re5-e1 Rc8xQe8
  41. Re1xRd1 Re8-e7
  42. Rd1-d6 Re7-b7
  43. f2-f3 g7-g6
  44. Bc3-f6 b6-b5
  45. Rd6xa6 c5-c4
  46. a2-a4 b5-b4
  47. Ra6-c6 Rb7-a7
  48. Rc6xc4 Ra7xa4
  49. Rc4-c7+ Kh7-g8
  50. Rc7-g7+ Kg8-f8
  51. Rg7xg6 Kf8-f7
  52. Rg6xh6 Ra4-a2
  53. g2-g4 Kf7-e6
  54. Bf6-h8+ Ke6-d7
  55. Rh6-b6 f5xg4
  56. h3xg4 Ra2-a8
  57. Bh8-f6 Ra8-f8
  58. Kg1-f2 Rf8-c8
  59. Rb6xb4 Rc8-c2+
  60. Kf2-e3 Kd7-d6
  61. Rb4-e4 Rc2-c1
  62. b2-b4 Rc1-b1
  63. Ke3-f4 Rb1-d1
  64. b4-b5 Kd6-c5
  65. Re4-e5+ Kc5-b6
  66. Bf6-g5 Kb6-a5
  67. Kf4-f5 Rd1-d3
  68. Bg5-e3 Rd3-d7
  69. b5-b6+ Ka5-b4
  70. Kf5-e6 Rd7-g7
  71. Ke6-d6 Rg7-h7
  72. Kd6-c6 Kb4-c4
  73. b6-b7 Rh7-g7
  74. b7-b8=Q Rg7-g6+
  75. Kc6-b7 Rg6-g7+
  76. Kb7-a6 Kc4-d3
  77. Qb8-b5+ Kd3-c2
  78. Re5-c5+ Kc2-d1
  79. Rc5-c1#

The Empire prevailed

  1. Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6
  2. Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6
  3. e2-e4 d7-d5
  4. e4xd5 Nf6xd5
  5. Bf1-b5 Nd5xNc3
  6. Bb5xNc6+ b7xBc6
  7. b2xNc3 Qd8-d5
  8. 0-0 Bc8-g4
  9. d2-d4 e7-e6
  10. Ra1-b1 Ra8-d8
  11. Rf1-e1 Bg4xNf3
  12. g2xBf3 c6-c5
  13. Re1-e4 Bf8-d6
  14. Rb1-b5 0-0
  15. Rb5-a5 Qd5-h5
  16. h2-h4 Bd6-e7
  17. Ra5xa7 Be7xh4
  18. Ra7-b7 c5xd4
  19. c3xd4 c7-c5
  20. c2-c3 c5xd4
  21. c3xd4 Rd8-b8
  22. Rb7-d7 Rb8-b1
  23. Re4-e5 Qh5-g6+
  24. Kg1-f1 Rf8-c8
  25. Re5-c5 Rc8xRc5
  26. d4xRc5 h7-h6
  27. Rd7-c7 Bh4-g5
  28. Rc7-c8+ Kg8-h7
  29. Qd1-d4 Rb1xBc1+
  30. Qd4-d1 Rc1xQd1+
  31. Kf1-g2 Bg5-f4+
  32. Kg2-h3 Rd1-h1#
  1. Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6
  2. Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6
  3. e2-e4 d7-d5
  4. e4xd5 Nf6xd5
  5. Nc3xNd5 Qd8xNd5
  6. d2-d4 e7-e6
  7. Bc1-f4 Qd5-e4+
  8. Bf4-e3 Qe4-g4
  9. h2-h3 Qg4-g6
  10. Bf1-d3 Qg6-h5
  11. 0-0 Bf8-d6
  12. Rf1-e1 Bc8-d7
  13. Nf3-g5 Qh5xQd1
  14. Ra1xQd1 g7-g6
  15. d4-d5 Nc6-e5
  16. d5xe6 f7xe6
  17. Ng5-e4 Bd6-e7
  18. Bd3-e2 Bd7-c6
  19. Be3-d4 0-0
  20. Ne4-c5 Be7xNc5
  21. Bd4xc5 Rf8-f5
  22. Bc5-d4 Rf5-g5
  23. Bd4xNe5 Rg5xBe5
  24. f2-f4 Re5-e4
  25. g2-g3 e6-e5
  26. f4xe5 Ra8-e8
  27. e5-e6 h7-h6
  28. Be2-d3 Re4xRe1+
  29. Rd1xRe1 Kg8-g7
  30. Kg1-f2 Kg7-f6
  31. Bd3-c4 Kf6-e7
  32. Kf2-e3 Re8-f8
  33. Ke3-d4 Bc6-g2
  34. Bc4-d3 Rf8-d8+
  35. Kd4-c4 Bg2xh3
  36. Bd3xg6 Bh3xe6+
  37. Kc4-c5 Rd8-d5+
  38. Kc5-b4 Rd5-g5
  39. Bg6-e4 a7-a5+
  40. Kb4-a4 Rg5-e5
  41. Re1-e2 Be6-c4
  42. Re2-e1 Bc4-b5+
  43. Ka4-b3 Bb5-c6
  44. Be4xBc6 Re5xRe1
  45. Bc6xb7 Re1-e3+
  46. Kb3-a4 h6-h5
  47. Ka4xa5 Re3xg3
  48. a2-a3 h5-h4
  49. Ka5-b4 h4-h3
  50. Kb4-c5 h3-h2
  51. Bb7-f4 Rg3-e3
  52. Be4-c6 Re3-e1
  53. b2-b4 h2-h1=Q
  54. Bc6xQh1 Re1xBh1
  55. a3-a4 Rh1-h2
  56. c2-c4 Rh2-h5+
  57. Kc5-c6 Kh5-h4
  58. Kc6-b5 Ke7-d7
  59. a4-a5 Kd7-c8
  60. a5-a6 Rh4-e4
  61. Kb5-c5 Re4-e5+
  62. Kc5-d4 Re5-e2
  63. b4-b5 Kc8-b8
  64. Kd4-d5 Re2-d2+
  65. Kd5-c5 Rd2-c2
  66. Kc5-d5 Rc2-e2
  67. c4-c5 Re2-b2
  68. Kd5-c6 Kb8-a7
  69. Kc6xc7 Rb2xb5
  70. Kc7-d6 Rb5-b2
  71. Kd6-c7 Rb2-d2
  72. c5-c6 Rd2-c2
  73. Kc7-d7 Ka7xa6
  74. Kd7-d6 Ka6-b6
  75. c6-c7 Rc2-d2+
  76. Kd6-e7 Kb6xc7
  77. Ke7-e6 Kc7-c6
  78. Ke6-e5 Rd2-e2+
  79. e5-d4 Re2-e1
  80. Kd4-c3 Re1-d1
  81. Kc3-c4 Rd1-d8
  82. Kc4-b3 Kc6-b5
  83. Kb3-c3 Rd8-d7
  84. Kc3-b2 Kb5-b4
  85. Kb2-c2 Rd7-d6
  86. Kc2-b2 Rd6-d2+
  87. Kb2-c1 Kb4-c3
  88. Kc1-b1 Rd2-d1+
  89. Kb1-a2 Rd1-c1
  90. Ka2-a3 Rc1-a1#
