Chatbots For Social Change/Jan Voelkel

Belief Change Megastudy (Jan Voelkel et al. 2023)


The paper presents a comprehensive analysis based on a large-scale study (n=32,059) exploring strategies to reduce partisan animosity and anti-democratic attitudes in the United States.

Key Findings

  • Partisan Animosity Reduction: The study found that interventions emphasizing sympathetic individuals with different political beliefs or highlighting common cross-partisan identities were highly effective in reducing partisan animosity.
  • Impact on Anti-Democratic Attitudes: Interventions aimed at correcting misperceptions about outpartisans' views significantly decreased support for undemocratic practices and partisan violence.
  • Effective Strategies for Partisan Animosity: Strategies involving relatable, sympathetic outpartisans and common identities across parties showed the highest effectiveness.
  • Effective Strategies for Undemocratic Practices and Partisan Violence: Interventions correcting exaggerated stereotypes of other party supporters and highlighting the consequences of democratic collapse were effective. Additionally, showing endorsements of democratic principles by political elites also yielded positive results.

Psychological Dimensions of Political Attitudes

  • The study reveals that partisan animosity and support for undemocratic practices/partisan violence are distinct dimensions, necessitating tailored approaches for interventions.

Characteristics of Effective Interventions

  • Explicitly addressing partisan animosity and undemocratic practices in interventions proved more effective.
  • Multifactorial interventions, which employed multiple theoretical mechanisms, were generally more effective than unifactorial ones.
  • Higher production quality and engaging content also contributed to the effectiveness of interventions.

Broader Applications

  • The findings offer insights for applications on websites and social media platforms to address partisan division and anti-democratic attitudes.
  • The study provides a foundation for future research and the development of interventions aimed at strengthening democratic attitudes in the U.S.

These insights provide valuable approaches for addressing the growing partisan divide and threats to democratic principles in America.



The findings from the "Megastudy identifying effective interventions to strengthen Americans’ democratic attitudes" offer profound implications for the logistics, utility, and impact of chatbots in fostering intelligent social action:

  • Empathy and Understanding in Chatbots: The success of interventions that highlight sympathetic individuals with different political beliefs underscores the importance of empathy and understanding in chatbots. Chatbots, equipped with NLU and LLMs like ChatGPT, can be programmed to represent diverse perspectives and facilitate conversations that foster empathy among users. They can simulate dialogues where users experience differing viewpoints, helping to reduce partisan animosity.
  • Correcting Misperceptions through Information: The effectiveness of interventions aimed at correcting misperceptions about outpartisans’ views highlights a crucial role for chatbots. They can serve as fact-checkers and sources of unbiased information, addressing false beliefs and stereotypes in real-time during conversations. This function is particularly vital in reducing support for undemocratic practices and partisan violence.
  • Tailored Intervention Strategies: Recognizing the distinct dimensions of partisan animosity and support for undemocratic practices, chatbots can be designed to deliver tailored interventions. They can adapt their responses based on the user’s attitudes, providing more personalized and effective engagement.
  • Multifactorial Intervention and Engagement: The success of multifactorial interventions suggests that chatbots should integrate various strategies – such as providing information, simulating empathetic conversations, and highlighting commonalities – to be more effective. Additionally, engaging content and high production quality are crucial for chatbot interfaces to ensure user retention and effective communication.
  • Broader Social Impact: Chatbots have the potential to be deployed on a large scale across various platforms, including social media and websites. They can serve as tools for reducing partisan division and strengthening democratic attitudes, reaching a wide audience and facilitating social change.
  • Continuous Learning and Improvement: Given the rapidly evolving nature of social attitudes and political dynamics, chatbots must be equipped with learning algorithms to continually update their strategies and information. This adaptability ensures they remain effective and relevant.
  • Ethical Considerations and Responsibility: The deployment of chatbots for social change must be guided by ethical considerations, ensuring they promote healthy democratic values and do not reinforce biases or misinformation. Responsible design and deployment are key to maximizing their positive impact.

In summary, the insights from the megastudy offer valuable guidance for the development of chatbots as tools for social change. By leveraging NLU and LLM capabilities, chatbots can be powerful allies in reducing partisan animosity, correcting misperceptions, and fostering a more empathetic and informed society.