Celestia/Celx Scripting/CELX Lua Methods/CEL command renderflags
editrenderflags { set <renderflagstring> }
-- OR --
renderflags { clear <renderflagstring> }
Set (turn on) or clear (turn off) one or more of the items below to be displayed on the screen.
- set <renderflagstring> -- OR -- clear <renderflagstring>
- The set or clear string values can be any combination of the items listed below. No default.
Multiple values are specified within a single set of quotes (") by separating them with a space or vertical bar "|" (i.e. "orbits|stars"):- atmospheres
- automag
- boundaries
- cloudmaps
- 1.6.0 cloudshadows
- comettails
- constellations
- eclipseshadows
- 1.6.0 ecliptic
- 1.6.0 eclipticgrid
- 1.6.0 equatorialgrid
- 1.6.0 galacticgrid
- galaxies
- grid
- 1.6.0 horizontalgrid
- markers
- nightmaps
- orbits
- partialtrajectories
- planets
- pointstars → (no longer used -- see set command)
- ringshadows
- smoothlines
- stars
- Note: The lightdelay is (yet) un unknown renderflag for this command.
CELX equivalent-1:
Based on the celestia:show() and celestia:hide() methods.
- Enable one or many rendering features. This method exists for backward compatibility with older scripts; celestia:setrenderflags() should be used instead.
<renderflagstring> is a string, describing the render-feature to be enabled.
Multiple features can be enabled at once by giving multiple arguments to this method separated by a comma.
Must be one of:- orbits, cloudmaps, constellations, galaxies, planets, stars, nightmaps, eclipseshadows, ringshadows, comettails, boundaries, markers, automag, atmospheres, grid, smoothlines, lightdelay, partialtrajectories, 1.6.0 cloudshadows, 1.6.0 ecliptic, 1.6.0 equatorialgrid, 1.6.0 galacticgrid, 1.6.0 eclipticgrid, 1.6.0 horizontalgrid.
celestia:show( <renderflagstring> )
- Disable one or many rendering features. This method exists for backward compatibility with older scripts; celestia:setrenderflags() should be used instead.
<renderflagstring> is a string, describing the render-feature to be enabled.
Multiple features can be enabled at once by giving multiple arguments to this method separated by a comma.
Must be one of:- orbits, cloudmaps, constellations, galaxies, planets, stars, nightmaps, eclipseshadows, ringshadows, comettails, boundaries, markers, automag, atmospheres, grid, smoothlines, lightdelay, partialtrajectories, 1.6.0 cloudshadows, 1.6.0 ecliptic, 1.6.0 equatorialgrid, 1.6.0 galacticgrid, 1.6.0 eclipticgrid, 1.6.0 horizontalgrid.
celestia:hide( <renderflagstring> )
CELX equivalent-2:
Based on the celestia:setrenderflags() method.
- You can use the celestia:show() and celestia:hide() or the celestia:setrenderflags() methods, all have equivalent functionality. The main reason for the existence of this method is as a counterpart of celestia:getrenderflags(), e.g. to reset all renderflags to values saved at the beginning of a script (see Cleanup).
"renderflagstable" is a table which contains the <renderflagstring> as keys, and booleans as values for each key.
Multiple features can be enabled and disabled at once by giving multiple table keys.
<renderflagstring> must be one of:- orbits, cloudmaps, constellations, galaxies, planets, stars, nightmaps, eclipseshadows, ringshadows, comettails, boundaries, markers, automag, atmospheres, grid, smoothlines, lightdelay, partialtrajectories, 1.6.0 cloudshadows, 1.6.0 ecliptic, 1.6.0 equatorialgrid, 1.6.0 galacticgrid, 1.6.0 eclipticgrid, 1.6.0 horizontalgrid.
-- Define and initialize renderflagstable first, before setting renderflags: renderflagstable = { } renderflagstable.<renderflagstring1> = true renderflagstable.<renderflagstring2> = false -- more renderflag keys may be initialized. celestia:setrenderflags(renderflagstable)
-- OR --
-- Shorter notation, but note the curly braces. celestia:setrenderflags{ <renderflagstring1> = true, <renderflagstring2> = false }
renderflags { set "automag|atmospheres|nightmaps" } renderflags { clear "boundaries|galaxies|markers" }
CELX with the celestia:show() and celestia:hide() methods:
celestia:show("automag", "atmospheres", "nightmaps") celestia:hide("boundaries", "galaxies", "markers")
CELX with the celestia:setrenderflags() method:
renderflagstable = { } renderflagstable.automag = true renderflagstable.atmospheres =true renderflagstable.nightmaps = true renderflagstable.boundaries = false renderflagstable.galaxies = false renderflagstable.markers = false celestia:setrenderflags(renderflagstable)
-- OR --
-- Shorter notation, but note the curly braces. celestia:setrenderflags{automag=true, atmospheres=true, nightmaps=true, boundaries=false, galaxies=false, markers=false}