català | English |
Avui, el Harry és al bar.
əbuj, əl (h)ari ez əl bar. |
Today, Harry is at the bar. |
Ell1 espera el seu amic.
eʎ əsperə əl sew əmic. |
He's waiting (he-waits-for) his friend. |
Una cervesa, si us plau!2
unə sərbɛzə siwsplaw. |
A beer, please! |
El seu3 amic arriba.
əl sew əmic ərribə |
His friend arrives. |
Arribes tard!4 Ja són les5 nou!
ərribəs tart! ʒa son ləz nɔw! |
You're (you-arrive) late! It's already nine o'clock! (already they-are the nine) |
Les nou?6 Arribo d'hora! Avui és divendres!
ləz nɔw? ərribu dɔrə! əbuj ez dibɛndrəs! |
Nine o'clock? I'm early (I-arrive of-hour)! Today is Friday!
1: Pay particular attention to the pronunciation of ell, he. The feminine form is ella. Like jo, I and tu, you they are often unexpressed because the verb tells who is doing the action.
2: si us plau, please is literally if to-you it-pleases. It is a fixed expression pronounced as a single word.
3: Notice the final 'd' in tard is pronounced as 't'. This is a common feature of Catalan.
4: el seu amic, (the) his friend. The feminine form is seva. We have seen teu / teva, your and now seu / seva. his/hers/its.
5: les, the is the plural of la. It used before plural feminine words. See note 6.
6: The time is given as les + number, except for one o'clock which is la una. The les / la refers to omitted word hora, hour.
Translation Exercise
edit- La seva dona espera al bar.
- Esperes a casa?
- El Harry espera la seva cervesa.
- L'Anna arriba tard.
- Qui ets? Sóc el teu amic!
Exercise Answers