Cascading Style Sheets/Glossary

This is a glossary of the book, a list of keywords with definitions.

Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
One of the parts a CSS rule located in the curly brackets and separated by a semicolon, such as "font-weight: bold" in "span { font-weight: bold; background: yellow; }".
A part of a document starting with an opening tag and ending with a closing tag, such as "<p><b>keyword</b> is important</p>".

To do:
Define property.

A string consisting of a selector, the "{" character, style specification, and the "}" character, such as "p { color: green; }".
The part of a CSS rule before the first "{".
shorthand property
A CSS property that enables the setting of multiple properties as once, such as "border" as contrasts to non-shorthand properties "border-style" and "border-width".
The opening and closing sequence of characters of an element, such as "<p>" or "</p>". To be distinguished from element.
user agent
The client application such as a web browser used with a particular network protocol, such as http: or ftp:.