Canadian Criminal Sentencing/Cases/Impaired Driving, Over 80 and Refusal Causing Bodily Harm or Death

Causing Bodily Harm

Case Citation Sentence Summary
R v Armstrong 2012 SKQB 428 (CanLII) 4 months Bodily harm
R v Voerman 2012 BCPC 125 6 months
R. v. Mosher 2012 MBPC 24 45 days BAC 120, young man with no record -- hits police vehicle causing injuries to two officers
R. v. Henderson 2012 MBCA 9 S/S driving causing bodily harm, vicitm in hospital
R. v. O’Keefe 2011 CanLII 77298 (NL PC) 30 months impaired driving causing bodily harm on 2 individuals
R. v. Meller 2011 BCPC 318 (CanLII) 4 years serious injuries' serious and long record
R. v. Gamble 2011 ONCJ 513 6 months
R. v. Lamouche 2011 ABCA 301 8 months?
R v Littlecrow 2011 SKQB 393 2 years less a day
R v Hamel 1999 CanLII 12226 (SKCA) 6 months
R. v. Ruizfuentes 2010 MBCA 90 6 years impaired causing bodily harm--dated unrelated record--15 year driving prohibition
R. v. Weisgerber 2009 SKPC 107 $2000 fine and three years' probation
R. v. Smith 2009 SKCA 38
R. v. Bear 2008 SKCA 172
R. v. Cappo 2005 SKCA 134
R. v. Robbie 2005 SKPC 72
R. v. Galloway 2004 SKQB 130 affirmed 2004 SKCA 106
R. v. Decap 2003 SKQB 450
R. v. Wahobin 2002 SKPC 53 20 months
R. v. Regnier 2002 SKCA 82 6 years
R. v Andres 2002 SKCA 98 8 years
R. v. Trobert 1999 SKQB 189 aff'd 2000 SKCA 113 2 years less a day

Causing Death

Case Citation Sentence Summary
R v Knight 2012 MBPC 52 5.5 years
R. v. Cooper 2007 NSSC 115 7 years two counts of impaired causing death -- offender crossed centre-line and hit oncoming vehicle killing two persons-- one prior conviction -- also sentenced to lifetime driving prohibition and DNA order
R. v. Luskin 2012 ONSC 1764 3.5 years hit mini-van with 5 people, killing 3
R v Anderson 2012 NBQB 32 3 years BAC 203 and 270, flipped car, killed husband passenger
R. v. P.(O.) 2012 ONCJ 1 conviction for 271 and 151; based only on prior statement
R. v. Olsen 2011 ABCA 308 3.5 years
R. v. Ruizfuentes 2010 MBCA 90 4.5 years causing death; BAC 120+, drove through multiple red lights
R. v. Semenko 2011 MBPC 80 police brutality no stay of proceedings
R. v. Junkert [2010] ONCA 549 5 years high speed of driving, hit jogger, no prior record, BAC 130
R. v. G.B. [2010] QCQB 8243 6 years BAC 320, prior record for impaired
R. v. Junkert 2010 ONCA 549 5 years also convicted of dangerous driving causing death--while impaired killed--no prior record--ranges up to 5 years (@ 39 to 49)
R. v. Howe [2007] NBCA 84 3 years BAC 140, hit and killed biker
R. v. Rhyason 2007 ABCA 119 3 years
R. v. Hall [2007] O.J. No. 49 (C.A.) 4 years and 10 months impaired at time--prior related record--10 year driving prohibition
R. v. Nickerson [1991] N.S.J. No. 48, 1991 CanLII 2499 (NS CA) 5 years impaired driving causing death--no prior record--also convicted of impaired driving causing bodiy harm (2 years)
R. v. MacEachern [1990] N.S.J. No. 82 (C.A.) 5 years prior impaired and B&E conviction -- found guiltyu of criminal negligence causing death hitting pedestrian at a crosswalk