Canadian Criminal Procedure and Practice/Waiver of Charter Rights

General Principles


The waiver of any Charter right must be done clearly and unequivocally with full knowledge of the scope of the right and effect of the waiver.[1]

It is necessary for the Crown to prove waiver of an accused right under s.8.[2]

An express or implied invitation, such as at the attendance of police at the door of a residence or being invited into the house, results in the waiving of privacy.[3]

  1. R v Korponay v Attorney General of Canada, [1992] 1 SCR 41 at p. 49 ("the validity of such a waiver, and I should add that that is so of any waiver, is dependent upon it being clear and unequivocal that the person is waiving the procedural safeguard and is doing so with full knowledge of the rights the procedure was enacted to protect and of the effect the waiver will have on those rights in the process.")
  2. See: R. v. Neilson 1988 CanLII 213 , (1988), 43 C.C.C. (3d) 548 (SKCA)
  3. See R v Evans [1996] 1 SCR 8 at 12-13 implied invitation
    R v Roy, 2010 BCCA 448 express invitation

See Also
