CS Command Line Tools - Setup Manual (wiki version)/Installing CS Command Line Tools
The installer is little more than a self-extracting archive, since it does not perform any kind of setup for you. You still have to refer to section 3 and make the required system modifications. In order to extract all tools contained in the installer, take the steps below:
- Execute the installer by left-clicking on its icon.
- Click the "Next" button after the welcome window appears.
- In the new window, check the checkbox left to "I accept the terms in the License Agreement". Then click the "Next" button again.
- Check the components you want to install (all components are checked by default) and click the "Next" button.
- The installer showing the component selection windowThe installer showing the component selection window
- Choose the directory where you want CS Command Line Tools to be installed (default is C:\WINDOWS\Command or C:\WINNT\Command). After checking, click the "Next" button once more.
- Choose the Start menu directory for CS Command Line Tools. Click the "Install" button to proceed to installation.
- Check the actions you wish to do after the installation process and click the "Finish" button to close the installer.
Note: If you check the option "Run CS Command Line Tools YYYY[-MM]", you will run "CmdLine.bat". You can call any of the installed commands from that console. However, they may not run from another console.