CPAM with TWW/Porting TWW HPMS to other OS

Porting TWW HPMS to other OS


There are two tasks need to be done when porting TWW HPMS tools to other OS.

  • Porting the TWW HPMS tool itself
  • Porting the package sources.
  • The makefile to automate the TWW tools porting.

Linksys NSLU2

  • A Makefile to build TWW tools for nslu2.
  • compile sbtuils tool to generate sb
  • use sb to compile and build pb and pkgutils
  • Porting sbtools


  • Porting pbtools
  • Porting pkgutils

Mac OS X


Doing our homework, following are some good documents about software packaging on Mac OS X.

The package management system is getting better but still fall short of a basic functionality that a PMS shoule have. Ex, you can't list out current installed package using command line tool. you can't remove a package using a command or handle package dependency automatically.

/Developer/Applications/Utilities/ is getting better in 10.3.8. we can now create a .pkg with command line. Be aware to supply absolute path after -p or -f options.

Following is an partial makefile to create TWW CPAM tools in Mac OSX's local PMS format.

# A simple layout for .pkg format
#    Contents
#        Archive.pax.gz
#        Info.plist
#        PkgInfo
#        Resources
#            Description.plist
#            postflight      -1-
#            postinstall     -2-
#            postupgrade     -3-
#            preflight       -4-
#            preinstall      -5-
#            preupgrade      -6-

sb-pkg: sb-pkg-prep sb-pkg-pkgmk
        rm -rf ${SB_PKG_HOME}/${SB_PKGNAME} ${SB_PKG_STG}
        rm -rf $(SB_PKG_STG)
        mkdir -p $(SB_PKG_STG)/Contents/Resources
        touch $(SB_PKG_STG)/Contents/Resources/postflight
        touch $(SB_PKG_STG)/Contents/Resources/postinstall
        touch $(SB_PKG_STG)/Contents/Resources/postupgrade
        touch $(SB_PKG_STG)/Contents/Resources/preflight
        touch $(SB_PKG_STG)/Contents/Resources/preinstall
        touch $(SB_PKG_STG)/Contents/Resources/preupgrade
        $(PKGMK) -build -p ${SB_PKG_HOME}/${SB_PKGNAME}.pkg -f $(SB_INSTALL_PREFIX) -i ${SB_PKG_HOME}/src/macosx/Info.p\ -d ${SB_PKG_HOME}/src/macosx/

        rm -rf ${SB_PKG_HOME}/${SB_PKGNAME}
        /usr/sbin/installer -pkg sbutils-1.2.4-1.pkg  -target /
  • Porting sbtools

sbutils-1.2.4 compiled ok on Mac OS X 10.3.8. We also can use packagemaker to generate sbutils-1.2.4 into Mac OS X's native package format. Following quick notes need to be documented later.

conchi:~/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4 tjyang$ sudo make sb-pkg
rm -rf /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage
mkdir -p /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources
touch /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources/postflight 
touch /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources/postinstall
touch /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources/postupgrade
touch /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources/preflight
touch /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources/preinstall
touch /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources/preupgrade
cp -rp /opt/TWWfsw/sbutils124/* /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage
^Cmake: *** [sb-pkg-prep] Interrupt

conchi:~/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4 tjyang$ sudo make sb-pkg
rm -rf /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage
mkdir -p /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources
touch /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources/postflight 
touch /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources/postinstall
touch /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources/postupgrade
touch /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources/preflight
touch /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources/preinstall
touch /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Resources/preupgrade
/usr/bin/mkbom -s  /opt/TWWfsw/sbutils124 /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/
(pax -w -x cpio /opt/TWWfsw/sbutils124 |gzip - > /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents/Archive.pax.gz)
/Developer/Applications/Utilities/ -build -p /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-1.2.4-1.pkg   -f /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-stage/Contents -i //Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/Info.plist -d //Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/Description.plist
2005-02-27 23:29:24.664 PackageMaker[19034] ** building a package at /Users/tjyang/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4/sbutils-1.2.4-1.pkg **
2005-02-27 23:29:32.961 PackageMaker[19034] done (0)
conchi:~/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4 tjyang$ ls -lrt
total 216
-rwx------   1 tjyang  tjyang  42318 23 Feb 15:04 systype
-rw-r--r--   1 tjyang  tjyang   1069 27 Feb 15:49 cipo.error.txt
drwx------  43 tjyang  tjyang   1462 27 Feb 15:59 src
-rwxr-xr-x   1 tjyang  tjyang   7796 27 Feb 22:23
-rw-r--r--   1 tjyang  tjyang    459 27 Feb 23:13 Description.plist
-rw-r--r--   1 tjyang  tjyang   1050 27 Feb 23:17 Info.plist
-rwx------   1 tjyang  tjyang  44915 27 Feb 23:28 Makefile
drwxr-xr-x   3 root    tjyang    102 27 Feb 23:28 sbutils-stage
drwxr-xr-x   3 root    tjyang    102 27 Feb 23:29 sbutils-1.2.4-1.pkg
conchi:~/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4 tjyang$ ls sbutils-1.2.4-1.pkg/
conchi:~/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4 tjyang$ ls sbutils-1.2.4-1.pkg/Contents/     Archive.pax.gz  Info.plist      PkgInfo         Resources
conchi:~/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4 tjyang$ ls -l sbutils-1.2.4-1.pkg/Contents/
total 32312
-r--r--r--  1 root  tjyang     35525 27 Feb 23:29
-r--r--r--  1 root  tjyang  16496572 27 Feb 23:29 Archive.pax.gz
-r--r--r--  1 root  tjyang      1050 27 Feb 23:29 Info.plist
-r--r--r--  1 root  tjyang         8 27 Feb 23:29 PkgInfo
drwxr-xr-x  7 root  tjyang       238 27 Feb 23:29 Resources
conchi:~/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4 tjyang$ ls -l sbutils-1.2.4-1.pkg/Contents/Resources/
total 40
-r--r--r--  1 root  tjyang  459 27 Feb 23:29 Description.plist
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  tjyang   14 27 Feb 23:29 -> ../
-r--r--r--  1 root  tjyang  275 27 Feb 23:29
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  tjyang   17 27 Feb 23:29 sbutils-1.2.4-1.pax.gz -> ../Archive.pax.gz
-r--r--r--  1 root  tjyang   46 27 Feb 23:29 sbutils-1.2.4-1.sizes
conchi:~/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4 tjyang$ vi  sbutils-1.2.4-1.pkg/Contents/Resources/ 
conchi:~/tww-tools/sbutils-1.2.4 tjyang$

Microsoft Windows


The first problem of porting TWW HPMS tool to Win32 platformat is which package creation software and Unix foundation software to base upon.

  • Unix foundation software
    • cygwin notes for sbutils package source.
  "aux" need to be renamed to "auxx". 
  perl -pi -e 's!\/aux\/!/aux!' Makfile is the place to understand cygwin package format.
    • mingw
    • SFU
  • Package Creation tools
    • MakeMSI (see automatically builds (or updates) MSI files (or any other type of Windows Installer databases). It uses an XML like scripting language which can be invoked via explorer or the command line. It also builds MSI documentation which includes file (MD5 checks installed files against expected etc.) and product verification buttons. It includes a very powerful preprocessor.
    Dialogs can be created and easily formatted without a dialog editor. There are a number of "frameworks" for different uses and user skills. Custom action code can be integrated and has some ADSI/COMPLUS/scheduling and other support. The following is a small sample script (one file, one shortcut, one smallish VBSCRIPT based Custom Action).
;--- Load MAKEMSI (via wrapper which configures MAKEMSI to work how I like it) ---
#include "DENNIS.MMH"

;--- Create INSTALLDIR (we wish to install file(s) here) ---
<$DirectoryTree Key="INSTALLDIR" Dir="[ProgramFilesFolder]\TryMe" CHANGE="\" PrimaryFolder="Y">

;--- Add "TRY.MM" and shortcut to same component (file must be keypath) ---
<$Component "TryMe" Create="Y" Directory_="INSTALLDIR">   ;;In this case GUID autogenerated (at least 1st time)
    ;--- Add the files to the "TryMe" component -----------------------------
    <$File SOURCE="TryMeWithAdvShortCut.MM" KeyPath="Y">

    ;--- Add the shortcut (advertise the "complete" feature) ----------------
        ;--- Advertised shortcut in "Start->programs" -----------------------
               Feature="\"                        ;;root feature is my "complete" one
                 Title="Open TryMeWithAdvShortCut.MM (via default association)"
           Description=^Simply opens "TryMeWithAdvShortCut.MM" in associated handler (probably notepad)!^

;--- Display a message during a non-silent install (logs if silent) ---------
#data "PopupCaData"
   ;--- Some data we'd like to pass to the CA -------------------------------
   "InstallationDirectory" "[INSTALLDIR]"
   "SystemFolder" "[SystemFolder]"
<$VbsCa Binary="Popup.vbs" DATA=^PopupCaData^>
   <$VbsCaEntry "HiThere">
       ;--- If the VBSCRIPT "MsgBox" or similar function was used this would prevent a silent install ---
            CaMsgBox "I",
                     "Hi this is a message from '<?InputFile>'! This was displayed via a VBSCRIPT MSI custom action." &
                     vbCRLF & vbCRLF &
                     "Note that I have enlarged this message box so that when an error occurs you will see the whole text! " &
                     "This and most tweeking MAKEMSI does to the user interface is optional (most performed by ""UISAMPLE.MMH"")." &
                     vbCRLF & vbCRLF &
                     "The installation directory is """ & VbsCaCadGet("InstallationDirectory") & """. " &
                     "The system directory is """       & VbsCaCadGet("SystemFolder")          & """."
<$VbsCaSetup Binary="Popup.vbs" Entry="HiThere" Seq="StartServices-" CONDITION=^<$CONDITION_INSTALL_ONLY>^ DATA=^PopupCaData^>

  1. The challenge of using Wix tool set to generate a Unix package is the GUID. Fortunately mallow.exe come to the rescue. it can scan a src directory and generate GUID for each component(directory or file).
  2. We need to figure out how to make pb to generate wxs xml file and communicate with candle and light to gernate msi pacakge with the help of mallow.
  1. Following is an small batch file to illustrate creating a msi package, installing and remove this package.

candle and light are a pair of commandline package creation tool similar to rpmbuild in redhat, packagemaker in Max OS X or pkgmk in solaris.

F:\src\wix\tutorial\Sample1>cat batch11.bat
del Sample11.msi
candle -nologo Sample11.wxs
light -nologo Sample11.wixobj
msiexec /i Sample11.msi /l* Sample11.log
rem msiexec /x Sample11.msi /qb
  1. The wix package source is display in following text, following are todos.
    1. Converting pbuitils' .pb xml file to wix's wxs XML.
    2. Figuring out msiexec to delete a package using a package ID without the presence of actual .msi package.
F:\src\wix\tutorial\Sample1>cat Sample11.wxs
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
<Wix xmlns=''>
  <Product Name='Foobar 1.0' Id='DB501C18-86C7-4D14-AEC0-86416A69ABDE'
    Language='1028' Codepage='1252'
    Version='' Manufacturer='Acme Ltd.'>

    <Package Id='7EF38C48-95C1-4015-A361-3806ADA74AAC' Keywords='Installer'
      Description="Acme's Foobar 1.0 Installer"
      Comments='Foobar is a registered trademark of Acme Ltd.' Manufacturer='Acm
e Ltd.'
      InstallerVersion='100' Languages='1028' Compressed='yes' SummaryCodepage='
1252' />

    <Media Id='1' Cabinet='' EmbedCab='yes'
      DiskPrompt="Acme's Foobar 1.0 Installation CD-ROM" />

    <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
      <Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder' Name='PFiles'>
        <Directory Id='Acme' Name='Acme'>
          <Directory Id='INSTALLDIR' Name='Foobar10' LongName='Foobar 1.0'>

            <Component Id='MainExecutable' Guid='DCEECAA4-83F1-4F22-985B-FDB3C8ABD471'>
              <File Id='FoobarEXE' Name='Foobar10.exe' LongName='FoobarAppl10.exe' DiskId='1'
                src='FoobarAppl10.exe' Vital='yes' />
              <Shortcut Id="startmenuFoobar10" Directory="ProgramMenuDir" Name="Foobar10"
                LongName="Foobar 1.0" Target="Complete" WorkingDirectory='INSTALLDIR'
                Icon="Foobar10.exe" IconIndex="0" />
              <Shortcut Id="desktopFoobar10" Directory="DesktopFolder" Name="Foobar10"
                LongName="Foobar 1.0" Target="Complete" WorkingDirectory='INSTALLDIR'
                Icon="Foobar10.exe" IconIndex="0" />
              <File Id='HelperDLL' Name='Helper.dll' DiskId='1' src='Helper.dll' Vital='yes' />

            <Component Id='Manual' Guid='CE36F399-574D-4A9A-A266-5B5EC2C022A4'>
              <File Id='Manual' Name='Manual.pdf' DiskId='1' src='Manual.pdf' />

              <Shortcut Id="startmenuManual" Directory="ProgramMenuDir" Name="Manual"
                LongName="Instruction Manual" Target="Documentation" />


      <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder" Name="PMenu" LongName="Programs">
        <Directory Id="ProgramMenuDir" Name='Foobar10' LongName="Foobar 1.0" />

      <Directory Id="DesktopFolder" Name="Desktop" />

    <Feature Id='Complete' Level='1'>
      <ComponentRef Id='MainExecutable' />
      <ComponentRef Id='Manual' />


  • References of WiX and MS installer.
  • Porting sbtools
  • Porting pbtools
  • Porting pkgutils


  • Porting sbtools
  • Porting pbtools
  • Porting pkgutils


  • Porting sbtools
  • Porting pbtools
  • Porting pkgutils

Package Management Process


Software engineering process include design and implement software via software developers to generate source codes. The source codes will then need to be built, packaged and be managed. We can divide this process into three general steps.

  • Software build process(SB) and SB can be divided into following processes on a build machine
    • source unpack
    • source patch
    • source configure
    • source build to generate binary and documentation
    • binary test
    • binary install
    • binary uninstall
  • Package build (PB) process is much straight forward
    • prepare the configuration script
    • prepare init script to start/stop application service
    • call up local PMS to pack the binary,documentation and scripts into local PMS format.
  • Package Management (PKGUTIL) Process
    • upload and administrate packages on package depot server.
    • install
    • remove
    • upgrade/patch
    • auto installation upon package dependence.

TWW HPMS introduction


TWW Inc. has three tools to match the package management processes.

  • Softeware build
    • sbutils
[root] ls -l /opt/TWWfsw/sbutils12/bin/
total 164
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       38551 Dec  1 15:17 gen-sb-db
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       44418 Dec  1 15:17 sb
  • Package build
    • pbutils
[root] ls -l /opt/TWWfsw/pbutils11/bin/
total 186
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       29975 Apr 30  2004 gen-pb-db
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       29169 Apr 30  2004 gen-pkg-db
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       34023 Apr 30  2004 pb

  • Package Management
    • pkgutils
[root] ls -l /opt/TWWfsw/pkgutils15/bin/
total 542
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       32434 Jan 25  2004 chk-pkg-updates
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       18751 Jan 25  2004 pkg-config
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       48281 Jan 25  2004 pkg-info
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       70570 Jan 25  2004 pkg-inst
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     other      68887 May 18  2003 pkg-inst~
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       35692 Jan 25  2004 pkg-rm
  • How to get TWW tools ?

TWW Inc.


All the TWW tools and sources of their supported packages are GPL compliant. They are freely available at their ftp site But their support labor and binary packages are not free of charge. We are glad TWW Inc. find a way to do open-source works and still can make a living out of it. Please support TWW Inc. if your workplace need such kind of service ( ).