CORBA Programming/Echo/Meta Object
< CORBA Programming | Echo
CORBA IDL Definition
#include "test-echo.idl"
// a Test Module to test the basic PolyORB functions.
module Test
// The Meta Class for the echo test.
interface Meta_Echo
// Create a new instance of the echo object
Test::Echo // newly created Echo object
New_Echo ();
// There is only ony instance of the meta class object which
// has its own Identification.
const string Name_Service_Id = "Test/Meta_Echo";
// end interface Meta_Echo
// module Test
Ada Specification
edit with Test.Echo;
with PortableServer;
package Test.Meta_Echo.Impl
-- a Test Module to test the basic PolyORB functions
-- The Meta Class for the echo test.
type Object
is new
with private;
type Object_Ptr is access Object'Class;
-- Create a new instance of the echo object
function New_Echo (
-- The Object itself
Self : access Object)
-- newly created Echo object
private -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The Meta Class for the echo test.
type Object
is new
with null record;
end Test.Meta_Echo.Impl;
Ada Implementation
edit with CORBA.ORB;
with CORBA.Impl;
with PortableServer.POA;
with PortableServer.POA.Helper;
with PolyORB.Log;
with Test.Echo.Impl;
with Test.Echo.Helper;
with Test.Meta_Echo.Skel;
-- The following packages are only initialized but not used otherwise.
pragma Warnings (Off, Test.Meta_Echo.Skel);
-- initialize packages
pragma Elaborate (Test.Meta_Echo.Skel);
pragma Elaborate_All (Test.Echo.Impl);
package body Test.Meta_Echo.Impl
-- a Test Module to test the basic PolyORB functions
-- Initialize logging from configuration file.
package Log is new PolyORB.Log.Facility_Log ("test.meta_echo");
-- Log Message when Level is at least equal to the user-requested
-- level for Facility.
procedure Put_Line (
Message : in Standard.String;
Level : in PolyORB.Log.Log_Level := PolyORB.Log.Info)
-- Create a new instance of the echo object
function New_Echo (
-- The Object itself
Self : access Object)
-- newly created Echo object
package ORB renames CORBA.ORB;
package POA renames PortableServer.POA;
-- Get Reference to the portable server
Root_POA : POA.Ref
:= POA.Helper.To_Ref (
ORB.Resolve_Initial_References (
ORB.To_CORBA_String ("RootPOA")));
-- create a new Echo object
Echo_Object : constant CORBA.Impl.Object_Ptr
:= new Echo.Impl.Object;
-- create a servant for the new Echo object
Echo_Servant : constant PortableServer.Servant
:= PortableServer.Servant (Echo_Object);
-- activate the servant. Don't know what to do with the Id.
Echo_Id : constant PortableServer.ObjectId
:= POA.Activate_Object (
Self => Root_POA,
P_Servant => Echo_Servant);
-- Convert from servant type to the correct result type.
Result : Echo.Ref
:= Echo.Helper.To_Ref (
POA.Servant_To_Reference (
Self => Root_POA,
P_Servant => Echo_Servant));
pragma Unreferenced (Self);
pragma Unreferenced (Echo_Id);
Put_Line (
"Echo = '" &
CORBA.To_Standard_String (CORBA.Object.Object_To_String (Result)) &
return Result;
end New_Echo;
end Test.Meta_Echo.Impl;