CAT-Tools/DéjàVu X/What patches exist for DVX?

Currently known patches for DVX build 284: Engine patches:

The zip files contain a replacement dvxengine.dll file. Install it by locating the file (usually found in the folder "C:\Program Files\ATRIL\Deja Vu X") and overwriting it with the one in the downloaded zip file. You may want to save a backup copy of the old .dll.

Patches from 3 and upwards reportedly address specific problems and were not meant for public use. There is no official information about what problems they address.

Patch 2 should reportedly solve or alleviate certain assembly problems. It's not perfect, but seems to improve things. If you have empty squares and (blue underlined) multiple choice problems, this patch might help.

Patch 3 appears to resolve at least a TDB assembly problem, like "sin embargo" = "however" being assembled as "without embargo" (sin = without), despite the right term being present in TDB (single-word terms and multiple-word terms).

Patch 4 reportedly solves an AutoSearch/assembly problem with strings containing square brackets, where strings in DB containing square brackets aren't found/used.

Patch 7 reportedly includes the AutoSearch/assembly problem with strings containing square brackets solved in Patch 4, and fixes to problems with RTF/DOC export of highlighted text. Other fixes it includes relate to very specific problems with SGML and RTF.

Patch 8 includes the previous fixes, and has additional fixes for the SGML filter, but may be less well tested than Patch 7.

Template patches:

(Contains a .ppt file)