Pronunciation ruleseditForeword : This lesson does not treat of exceptions. Please refer to the next lesson on pronunciation for a full explanation including exceptions.
Pouezh mouezh / AccentuationeditAccentuation is strong in Breton. Accentuation may vary :
Polysyllabic wordseditAccentuation is on the penultimate syllable.
Monosyllabic wordseditMonosyllabic words aloneeditMonosyllabic words alone are accentuated. Name with a short adjectiveeditIn the case of a monosyllabic name with a short adjective (no more than 2 syllables), the adjective is accentuated . Name with a long adjectiveeditIn the case of a monosyllabic name with a long adjective (3 syllables or more), the name is accentuated .
ExceptionseditThe exceptions are not treated in this lesson. Please refer to the next lesson on pronunciation for a description of exceptions.