This set of tutorials is for Blender users who stumble up on the basics of certain games, such as making a HUD, menu, or even a simple button. This is also a place where users who know cool ways to spice a game up or explain troublesome aspects of making certain parts of a game genre's content work (like how to get Blender to calculate the damage of a bullet shooting).

There are a couple subsections to this. One is for those who don't like the messiness of python. Learning python to the point of being able to create a game with it will take months, maybe years, just to learn it, not to mention how long it would take to type the specific code and troubleshoot. So, the first section is for those who are much more comfortable with using the GUI Blender screen to make the majority of their game, and the tutorials exist to help them enhance their game.

Note: No matter how much GUI you'd like to use in game creation, there is a certain amount of python you will HAVE to use to be able to really make your game good. Make sure to at least read up on it. Sorry.

Jump to Game Creating Techniques within a GUI

Then there is the second subsection. This section is to help those who are comfortable with python learn how to use the code in ways they never thought of, and to show those who don't do so well with it just what python can do. While it's a simple language, it can still be incredibly complicated at times, and very, very picky.

Note: DO NOT SUBMIT ANY CODE YOU DO NOT WANT COPIED A MILLION TIMES! This section is for helping the broad and the narrow range of Blender users to learn how to use python better, and there will be no expectation of attribution for submitting code you found out yourself.

Jump to Game Creating Techniques with Python