Beginners Guide to Ladino/Ladino Grammar

Ladino Grammar


Ladino grammar functions very similarly to Spanish, although according to many linguists their grammar is actually closer to Galician and Portuguese rather than Spanish.

Here are the Pronouns in Ladino and English, we will start with: I/me, you, he, they (masculine), you guys (masculine), we (masculine)

English Ladino
I Yo (ייו)
You (singular) Tu (טו)
He El (איל)
She Ella (אילייה)
They (masculine) Ellos (ֵאילייוס)
They (feminine) Ellas (ֵאילייאס)
We (masculine) Mozotros (מוזוטרוס)
We (feminine) Mozotras (מוזוטראס)
You (plural masculine) Vozotros (בֿוזוטרוס)
You (plural feminine) Vozotras (בֿוזוטראס)


[1] The "double L" <ll> is pronounced as a <y>. As mentioned in the Guide to Reading and Writing Ladino. The double "ll" is written as <ליי> with the <ל> being silent. The "double L" is only used in certain dialects but all dialects use it to spell ellos, ellas, and ella.

[2] For the plural pronouns (mozotros, vozotros, and ellos) the masculine form is used to show a group of not just men but also both men and women in one group while the feminine form is only used for a group of only females.