Basic Physics of Digital Radiography

Table of Contents

Atomic Structure || Electron Binding Energy || Electromagnetic Radiation || Diagnostic X-Rays || X-Ray Detection || Attenuation of X-Rays || Radiography Systems || The Fourier Transform
X-Ray Tube || X-Ray Energy Spectrum || HV Generator || Beam Filtration || Light Beam Diaphragm || Automatic Exposure Control
Interaction Processes || Radiation Biology || Tissue Attenuation || X-Ray Shadows || Subject Contrast || Radiation Dose || Radiation Protection
Computed Radiography || Digital Radiography || XII-Video Systems || Radiation Dose Management
Binary Representation || General-Purpose Computer || Digital Image Processor || Digital Images || Digital Image Processing || Image Storage & Distribution
Image Display || Image Contrast || Spatial Resolution || Image Noise || Detective Quantum Efficiency || Temporal Resolution || Image Quality Assessment
General Radiography || Digital Subtraction Angiography || Cone-Beam Computed Tomography || Dual-Energy Radiography || Image Superimposition
X-ray Production & Interactions with Matter || Radiation Biology & Dosimetry || Technology of Radiographic Imaging

