Bahai Education/Educators




a. educator is like a gardener tending a plant: SWAB:#122, 143

b. if not educator the souls would remain savage, ignorant: SWAB:#98, 126



a. Consider, for instance, the revelation of the light of the Name of God, the Educator: GL:XCIII:189-190



a. Wert thou to consider, for but a little while, the outward works and doings of Him Who is the Eternal Truth, thou wouldst fall down upon the ground, and exclaim: O Thou Who art the Lord of Lords! I testify that Thou art the Lord of all creation, and the Educator of all beings, visible and invisible: GL:CXV:243

b. Prophets of God are the perfect material, human and divine educators: SAQ:III:9-13

c. Prophets of God are the real Educators, the perfect Instructors of mankind: PUP:364

d. Manifestations of God come to educate and illumine mankind...first Teachers and Educators of humanity: PUP:330

e. Prophets of God are divine educators: SWAB:#102, 128



a. mother is first educator of child: SW V:7, 101; SW VII:15, 141-144; SW IX:7, 81-88; SW XIV:9. 267-268; TAB:III:577,606; SWAB:#94,#95,#96,#97,#99,#113; 'Abdu'l-Baha, Bahá'í Education, #79, p. 31; on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, Compilation of Compilations, I, #876; Universal House of Justice, Compilation of Compilations, I, #913

b. if parents neglect education of children they will be held responsible: TAB:III:577; SWAB:#98, 127

c. parents must strive with all effort to train children: 1) in knowledge, sciences and arts: TAB:III:577; SWAB:#98, 127 2) in good conduct and the study of books: SWAB:#101, 127 3) in study to degree required but so that no child remains illiterate: SWAB:#101, 127

d. parents must set aside part of income for education of children, giving it to a trustee with knowledge of the House of Justice: SW IX:7; TB:90

e. every mother and father must counsel children over long period, guide them to those things which lead to everlasting honour: SWAB:#108, 134

f. mothers must not think of themselves but of progress of their children: 'Abdu'l-Baha in DMAS 9/2/1913, in SW VII:15, pp. 141-144

g. mothers should think of educating not fondling and embracing and spoiling children: 'Abdu'l-Baha in DMAS 9/2/13, in SW VII:15, pp. 141-144

h. parents must take child out of school where there are heedless ones who will try to lead him astray: SW IX:8, 89-96

i. do not allow children to drink alcoholic drinks: SW VII:15

j. protect children from temptations and vices: SW VII:15

k. My hope is that your parents may educate you spiritually and give you thorough moral training: PUP:92

l. duty of parents to rear their children to be staunch in faith: Baha'u'llah, in Bahá'í Education, #12, p. 3

m. parents must exert every effort to rear their offspring to be religious: Baha'u'llah, in Bahá'í Education, #14, p. 4

n. true parenthood and parental mercy is that children are carefully watched over, protected and trained: 'Abdu'l-Baha, in Bahá'í Education, #42, p. 17

o. duty of parents to perfectly and thoroughly train their children; have abundant love love for them and exert utmost in training them: TAB:II:262

p. parents who are united and harmonized bring up children in love and knowledge, the gift and training of God: TAB:III:605-606

q. before born, for child are destined two founts of gleaming milk, eyes to watch over thee, and hearts to love thee: Persian Hidden Words, #29

r. best of all ways to worship God is to educate children and train them in all the perfections of humankind, no nobler deed: SWAB:#114, p. 139

s. if mother has learning and accomplishments, her children will be fostered in excellency, right conduct and beauty: 'Abdu'l-Baha, in Bahá'í Education, #85, p. 34

t. sacred obligation of the parents to provide their children with a thorough Bahá'í training: on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, in Bahá'í Education, #132, p. 53



a. Unto every father hath been enjoined the instruction of his son and daughter in the art of reading and writing and in all that hath been laid down in the Holy Tablet: KA:K48, 37; TB:128 1) father must teach and instruct children according to his possibilities: PUP:300

b. He that bringeth up his son or the son of another, it is as though he hath brought up a son of Mine: KA:K48, 37; TB:128

c. He that putteth away that which is commanded unto him, the Trustees are then to take from him that which is required for their instruction if he be wealthy, and, if not, the matter devolveth upon the House of Justice: KA:K48, 37; TB:128 1) if father is unable to educate children, the body politic, representative of the people, must provide the means for their education: PUP:300, 317

d. Should a father neglect this most weighty commandment laid down in the Kitab-i-Aqdas by the Pen of the Eternal King, he shall forfeit rights of fatherhood, and be accounted guilty before God: KA:Q105, 138

e. father is second teacher of the child: SW IX:7

f. wise father plays with his children: SW IX:8, 89-96

g. if father fails in duty to teach children then must be compelled to discharge this responsibility: SWAB:#101, 127-128

h. if father unable to teach children then responsibility to do so devolves upon the House of Justice: SW IX:7, 81-88; SWAB:#101, 128

i. if parents neglect education of children they will be held responsible: TAB:III:577; SWAB:#98, 127

j. parents must strive with all effort to train children: 1) in knowledge, sciences and arts: TAB:III:577; SWAB:#98, 127 2) in good conduct and the study of books: SWAB:#101, 127 3) in study to degree required but so that no child remains illiterate: SWAB:#101, 127

k. parents must set aside part of income for education of children, giving it to a trustee with knowledge of the House of Justice: SW IX:7; TB:90

l. every mother and father must counsel children over long period, guide them to those things which lead to everlasting honour: SWAB:#108, 134

m. parents must take child out of school where there are heedless ones who will try to lead him astray: SW IX:8, 89-96

n. do not allow children to drink alcoholic drinks: SW VII:15

o. protect children from temptations and vices: SW VII:15

p. My hope is that your parents may educate you spiritually and give you thorough moral training: PUP:92

q. duty of parents to rear children to be staunch in faith: Baha'u'llah, in Bahá'í Education, #12, p. 3

r. parents must exert every effort to rear their offspring to be religious: Baha'u'llah, in Bahá'í Education, #14, p. 4

s. true parenthood and parental mercy is that children are carefully watched over, protected and trained: 'Abdu'l-Baha, in Bahá'í Education, #42, p. 17

t. duty of parents to perfectly and thoroughly train their children; have abundant love love for them and exert utmost in training them: TAB:II:262

u. parents who are united and harmonized bring up children in love and knowledge, the gift and training of God: TAB:III:605-606

v. teach children so that they will peruse divine verses every morning and evening: Baha'u'llah, in Compilation of Compilations, I, #5

w. every father must educate his children, both boys and girls, in sciences and morals, crafts and professions: Baha'u'llah, in Compilation of Compilations, I, #5

x. father must always endeavour to educate son and acquaint him with heavenly teachings, give him advice, exhort him, teach him praiseworthy conduct and character, enable him to study in school, acquire such arts and sciences as are useful and necessary, remembrance of God: 'Abdu'l-Baha, in Bahá'í Education, #100, p. 41



a. teacher and system of teaching plays the most important role in the life of human being: SW VII:15; SW XVII:2, p. 55

b. teachers must be attracted, assured, educated and refined believers: SW VII:15

c. teachers must be familiar with child psychology: SW VII:15

d. teachers must be well grounded in science of pedagogy: SW VII:15

e. education and training of children is among the most meritorious acts of humankind: SWAB:#103, 129

f. mentor must be doctor to the character of the child as well as educator, remedy faults, give learning and rear to have spiritual nature, heal spiritual ailments: SWAB:#103, 130

g. thanks to loving efforts of teacher of primary school child may reach highest levels of achievement; may lift some child of small account to the exalted throne: SWAB:#104, 132

h. among the greatest of services to God is education and training of children: SWAB:#106, p. 133

i. instructs the children, and guides the people into the pathways of God: Baha'u'llah, in Bahá'í Education, #27, p. 7

j. education and training of children is highest service to God: 'Abdu'l-Baha, in Bahá'í Education, #60, p. 24

k. Blessed is that teacher who shall arise to instruct the children, and to guide the people into the pathways of God, the Bestower, the Well-Beloved: Baha'u'llah, Bahá'í Education, #27, p. 7

l. Blessed is that teacher who remaineth faithful to the Covenant of God, and occupieth himself with the education of children: Baha'u'llah, Bahá'í Education, #28, p. 7



a. urged to become mother and father to orphans: SW VII:13, 122



a. Address yourselves to the promotion of the well-being and tranquillity of the children of men. Bend your minds and wills to the education of the peoples and kindreds of the earth, that haply the dissensions that divide it may, through the power of the Most Great Name, be blotted out from its face, and all mankind become the upholders of one Order, and the inhabitants of one City: GL:CLVI:333-334

b. We prescribe unto all men that which will lead to the exaltation of the World of God amongst His servants, and likewise, to the advancement of the world of being and the uplift of souls: Baha'u'llah, Bahá'í Education, #6, p. 2

c. every one of friends of God has inescapable duty to promote knowledge and learning: SWAB:#97, 126; #102, 129

d. every believer must be active and progressive in the field of inventions and the arts: SWAB:#102, 129

e. every believer must endeavour to rectify the conduct of men and seek to excel the whole world in moral character: SWAB:#102, 129

f. train these children with divine exhortations. From their childhood instill in their hearts...Teach them to free themselves: PUP:53



a. gathering of women believers for purposes of teaching and training children must be entirely spiritual and concerned with every means of training the girl children: SWAB:#94, 123-124