BLL German/Vocabulary/Professions

This table gives you both the male and the female forms of each profession. Often the female form can be deducted by just adding -in to the male one, e. g. "Schauspieler"(actor) becomes "Schauspielerin"(actress). Sometimes this addition precipitates a vowel change in the rest of the word, the -in replaces a few letters of the male word or the change is completely different. For those cases, I shall provide the full female profession name next to the male one.

Professions (male/female)
German Pronunciation English
Angestellter / Angestellte OGG / OGG employee
Anwalt / Anwältin OGG / OGG lawyer
Apotheker / -in OGG / OGG pharmacist, chemist
Architekt / -in OGG / OGG architect
Arzt / Ärztin OGG / OGG physician, doctor
Bauer / Bäuerinm OGG / OGG farmer
Beamter / Beamtin OGG / OGG civil servant
Briefträger / -in OGG / OGG postman
Buchhalter / -in OGG / OGG accountant, bookkeeper
Busfahrer / -in OGG / OGG Busdriver
Bäcker / -in OGG / OGG baker
Chemiker / -in OGG / OGG chemist
Chirurg / -in OGG / OGG surgeon
Dachdecker / -in OGG roofer
Diätassistentin OGG Dietitian
Dekorateur / -in OGG decorator
Detektiv / -in OGG / OGG detective
Drucker / -in OGG Printer
Drogist / -in OGG pharmacist/druggist
Dermatologe / Dermatolgin OGG / OGG dermatologist
Dirigent / -in OGG / OGG conductor
Dompteur / -in OGG / OGG Animal Trainer
Dolmetscher / -in OGG / OGG Interpreter
Elektriker / -in OGG / OGG electrician
Fernfahrer / -in OGG / OGG long-distance truck driver
Feuerwehrmann / Feuerwehrfrau OGG / fire fighter
Fischer / -in OGG / fisher
Fleischer / -in OGG / OGG butcher
Fremdenführer / -in OGG / OGG tourist guide
Friseur / -in, Friseuse OGG / OGG, OGG hairdresser
Gärtner / -in OGG / OGG horticulturist
Handwerker / -in OGG / OGG craftsman
Hotelfachmann/Hotelfachfrau hotel manager
Ingenieur / -in OGG / OGG engineer
Journalist / -in OGG, OGG / journalist
Kaufmann / Kauffrau OGG, OGG / merchant, businessman
Kassierer / -in OGG, OGG / cashier
Krankenpfleger / Krankenschwester OGG / OGG male nurse, nurse
Kellner / -in OGG / OGG waiter / waitress
Koch / Köchin OGG / OGG cook
Lehrer / -in OGG / OGG teacher
Maler / -in OGG / OGG painter
Mathematiker / -in OGG / OGG mathematician
Mechaniker / -in OGG / OGG mechanic
Metzger / -in OGG / butcher
Musiker / -in OGG / OGG musician
Pastor / -in OGG / OGG priest
Pfarrer / -in OGG / OGG priest
Physiker / -in OGG / OGG physicist
Politiker / -in OGG / OGG politician
Polizist / -in OGG / OGG policeman, constable, police officer
Programmierer / -in OGG / OGG programmer
Psychiater / -in OGG / OGG psychiatrist
Putzfrau (male form unusual, use "Raumpfleger" instead,

neutral ”Reinigungskraft”)

OGG / cleaning woman (cleaning employee)
Rechtsanwalt / Rechtsanwältin OGG / OGG lawyer, attorney-at-law
Reporter / -in OGG / OGG reporter
Richter / -in OGG / OGG judge
Schauspieler / -in OGG / OGG actor/actress
Schriftsteller / -in OGG / OGG writer, author
Sekretär / -in OGG / OGG secretary
Sportler / -in OGG / OGG sportsman
Soldat / -in OGG / OGG soldier
Tierarzt / Tierärztin OGG / OGG veterinarian
Tänzer / -in OGG / OGG dancer
Verkäufer / -in OGG / OGG salesperson
Vertreter / -in OGG / OGG representative
Winzer / -in OGG / OGG winemaker
Zahnarzt / Zahnärztin OGG / OGG dentist
Übersetzer / -in OGG / OGG translator
Chef / -in OGG / OGG boss
Student / -in OGG / OGG student

This list isn't exhaustive. Feel free to contribute more professions or sound files for the existing ones.