AvernumScript/Appendix/Campaign and Scenario Calls

These are the functions for manipulating the scenario variables and Stuff Done flags. For information on Stuff Done Flags see the original documentation's chapter on scripting basics.

void clear_quest(short which_quest) edit

Resets the quest which_quest. It is as if it was never given. No text message is displayed.


  • The acceptable range for which_quest is 0–99.

void end_scenario(short party_won) edit

Immediately terminates the scenario and returns the party to the title screen.
Values for party_won are:
0 – Party's scenarios entered count is incremented and

the scenarios won count is not incremented.

1 – Party's scenarios entered count is incremented and

the scenarios won count is incremented.

2 – Party's scenarios entered count is not incremented and

the scenarios won count is not incremented.

short get_flag(short a,short b) edit

Identical to get_sdf().

short get_sdf(short a,short b) edit

Returns SDF(a,b).

void inc_flag(short a,short b,short how_much) edit

Changes SDF(a,b) by how_much, which can be negative.


  • The acceptable range for how_much is 0–255.

void set_flag(short a,short b,short new_value) edit

Sets SDF(a,b) to be new_value.

void toggle_quest(short which_quest,short start_or_finish) edit

Toggles whether the party is doing the quest which_quest or not.
Values for start_or_finish are:
0 – If the party is currently on the quest, which_quest, the quest which_quest is marked as finished and will be removed from the quest log.
1 – If the party has not completed the quest, which_quest, the quest which_quest is started and will appear on the party's quest log.


  • The acceptable range for which_quest is 0–99.