AutoCAD/Basic Modifying Tools

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Basic Modifying Tools




Erases the selected object from the drawing. Can also be activated by pressing the delete key on the keyboard. Shortcut "e" (not very helpful because there is delete key)

Also erases the objects by selected objects for example. select the objects which you want to erase and then select the erase tool and press key enter New Method



Copies the selected object from one point on the drawing to one or more locations. The user defines two points and the object is copied using these two positions as base points. For example, the user could select 100,100 as the first point and 100,200 as the second point. This would place the copy 100 drawing units above the first. Points can either be entered using the keyboard or by clicking anywhere in the drawing. Shortcut "cp"/"co"



Creates a mirror image of the selected object. The user defines two points, along which AutoCAD generates a "line of reflection" and the reflected object is generated across this line with all components reversed. The user is then asked if they want to keep or delete the original. One problem with the mirror command is that if any text is included in the mirroring operation, it too is reversed making it unreadable and ridiculous. To fix this, type "MIRRTEXT" at the command line and change the value to 0. Shortcut "mi"



An offset is like a copy but is more precise and must be used for certain situations as the result is likely to be slightly bigger or smaller than the original. For example, consider a line that represents the edge of a road. This line contains several curved segments, and you would like to make a copy of this line to represent the opposite side of the road. A direct copy won't work, because the radius of the inside of a curve is much tighter than on the outside. The offset command allows you to simply define how far away and on which side you would like the copy to be made, and AutoCAD will take it from there. Shortcut "o"



An array is a quick way of doing a lot of copying, as long as all the copies are arranged in a simplistic way. There are two types of array; polar and grid. For a polar array, AutoCAD asks the user how many copies they want to make, and requests a centre point and a number of degrees to fill. AutoCAD then sweeps round this centre point making copies of the selected object in a circular pattern. For a grid array, the user selects how many rows and columns they require, as well as the spacings between them and AutoCAD instantly duplicates the selected object(s) as many times as necessary. Shortcut "ar" In other words The array is the command used to draw multiple copies of an object in a particular pattern or order.



Works exactly the same as the copy command except the original is deleted. Shortcut "m"



The user selects the object(s) to be rotated, a centre point, and defines the number of degrees to revolve through. The original is deleted, so if a copy is desired the polar array tool should be used. (Though, since AutoCAD 2006, a "Copy" option is included in this command, making it possible to retain the original objects) Shortcut "ro"



The object(s) are selected, and a basic point and scaling factor are defined. An easy way of changing a drawing from metres to millimetres is to scale everything up by a factor of 1000. Shortcut "SC"