Autistic Survival Guide/Territorial Theory

Small introduction to the chapter


Not all "normal people" are "normal". There are many different kind of people in a "normal people" population. In this chapter we will discuss the territorial people, which at most use language only to their advantage. Choose which example to further your understanding of this chapter. Until now: 1 example.



Example1: This example will explain how interaction in a video game can happen. The reason this is mentioned is because in the video game people can cooperate or choose to not cooperate and make it easy or difficult for the people on their team. So that's the reason. It's the option to be willing to help, or show one's ignorance. So we continue with the example below: We are going to concentrate on only one team: team "humans", which is "supposed" to teamwork. This team has a base, where they can "recover" if they get hurt by their opponents. If they stay at the base forever, then they can't win, because to win they must go towards their opponents base and destroy (with their guns) specific buildings in order to win. Now on to the practical part: "Humans" team has 4 players: John, Michael, George and Jenny.

  • John, is the cooperative type, but also wishes to convince the team that if there are 4 players at the base, 3 should go to their opponents base, and 1 should stay and defend their own base.
  • Michael, is the cooperative type and wishes to go on offensive.
  • George, is a base builder (although has many times acted in a very uncooperative way by hurting their own base and players by firing at them)
  • Jenny, maintains and builds base buildings.

What happens:

  1. John, notices George's uncooperative behavior, communicates his frustration...
    1. and is ignored by George. John knows George doesn't wish to cooperate but ignores the fact, and still tries to convince George to cooperate. George, is the "main role" in this example , not wishing to cooperate or at least answer. George, (as of this example) did not wish to cooperate, but wished that none would bother of him being cooperative, and gets "annoyed" when people tell him what to do. In that case
  2. George chooses he doesn't like John, although is silent about it.
    1. John can't control feelings and "swears" and uses abuse words at George.
  3. now George takes this to his advantage, because as he sees it, John made a mistake by taking it too seriously, and now shows interest in replying, making John, feel emotionally damaged.

This is the end of the example, and one can say that John made the error of showing interest they would succeed, even while still knowing that at least 1 person on the team, did not wish to cooperate at all. Other solutions to the problem:

  • John could instead ignore communication with the non cooperative person and only communicate with the people wishing to cooperate.