AquaResp/Printable version


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Set up

Equipment List


In order to do respirometry experiments using AquaResp, following equipment is needed

  1. PC (Recommended:1.5 GHz & >1GB RAM ) see AquaResp/Software
  2. A/D Converter USB-1208LS
    1. Converted: capacitor 680nF (Vishay 680nF (MKT 1817-468/065)
    2. Unconverted: nothing
  3. Relay box with 2 relaysa. 2x resistors 22kOhm/10W
    1. 2x varistors 14kOhm
    2. 2x electronic relays (Crydom AC relay, MP240D3)
  4. Wires
  5. Measurement device with analog output or COM port output

A/D Converter


If flush/recirculation control through AquaResp is wanted, a relay needs to be connected to two of the digital ports of the USB-1208LS. Port A0 and B0 is recommended for ease of use in VBA. Further you can add up to 4 analog ports that AquaResp can read.


Software List


In order to do respirometry experiments using AquaResp, following software is needed

  1. Universal Library by MCC
  2. MS Excel 2003 or newer

N.B. AquaResp is only tested on PCs running Windows.


The AquaResp software is available here AquaResp V1.13, user’s guide for setting up static respirometry experiment with AquaResp is available Here. This wikibook on AquaResp will when done, contain all information in this user guide.