An Introduction to Dragon/Lessons/Features



The Dragon language comes with the following features:

  • Interpreted
  • Declarative programming on top of object-oriented programming
  • No explicit end for statements (No ; or ENTER is required)
  • Portable (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, etc.)
  • Comments (one line, inline, & multi-line)
  • Dynamic typing
  • Weakly typed
  • Garbage collector - automatic memory management (escape analysis and reference counting)
  • Structure-oriented programming
  • Rich control structures & operators
  • Procedures/functions
  • No main function
  • Call function before the definition
  • Recursion
  • Multi-line literals
  • Reflection and metaprogramming
  • Clear program structure (statements, then functions)
  • Exception handling
  • I/O commands
  • Math functions
  • String functions
  • Standard functions
  • File processing functions
  • Database support
  • Create GUI applications for desktop