Algorithms/Find maximum/perl method2
perl source code
sub findmax_apple(){
return 0 if $#_ == -1;
return $_[0] if $#_ == 0;
if ( $#_ == 1 ) {
return $_[0] if $_[0] > $_[1];
return $_[1];
my @aryA;
my @aryB;
foreach my $i ( 1 .. ($#_+1)/2 ){
push ( @aryA, $_[ $i - 1 ] );
foreach my $i ( $#aryA + 1 .. $#_ ){
push ( @aryB, $_[$i] );
my $intM = &findmax_apple(@aryA);
my $intN = &findmax_apple(@aryB);
return $intM if $intM > $intN;
return $intN;
An example of using the subroutine:
print &findmax_apple(qw/ 1 100 182 32 476 /);
The output should be: 476.