Algorithm Implementation/Linear Algebra/Tridiagonal matrix algorithm
All the provided implementations of the tridiagonal matrix algorithm assume that the three diagonals, a (below), b (main), and c (above), are passed as arguments.
editthomas :: Fractional g => [g] -> [g] -> [g] -> [g] -> [g]
thomas as bs cs ds = xs
n = length bs
bs' = b(0) : [b(i) - a(i)/b'(i-1) * c(i-1) | i <- [1..n-1]]
ds' = d(0) : [d(i) - a(i)/b'(i-1) * d'(i-1) | i <- [1..n-1]]
xs = reverse $ d'(n-1) / b'(n-1) : [(d'(i) - c(i) * x(i+1)) / b'(i) | i <- [n-2, n-3..0]]
-- convenience accessors (because otherwise it's hard to read)
a i = as !! (i-1) -- because the list's first item is equivalent to a_1
b i = bs !! i
c i = cs !! i
d i = ds !! i
x i = xs !! i
b' i = bs' !! i
d' i = ds' !! i
note that the function takes in a subdiagonal list (as) whose first element (index 0) is on row 1, which is why we shift the index in the convenience accessors so we can call it "a(1)" anyway.
editThe following is an example of the implementation of this algorithm in the C programming language.
void solve_tridiagonal_in_place_destructive(float * restrict const x, const size_t X, const float * restrict const a, const float * restrict const b, float * restrict const c) {
solves Ax = v where A is a tridiagonal matrix consisting of vectors a, b, c
x - initially contains the input vector v, and returns the solution x. indexed from 0 to X - 1 inclusive
X - number of equations (length of vector x)
a - subdiagonal (means it is the diagonal below the main diagonal), indexed from 1 to X - 1 inclusive
b - the main diagonal, indexed from 0 to X - 1 inclusive
c - superdiagonal (means it is the diagonal above the main diagonal), indexed from 0 to X - 2 inclusive
Note: contents of input vector c will be modified, making this a one-time-use function (scratch space can be allocated instead for this purpose to make it reusable)
Note 2: We don't check for diagonal dominance, etc.; this is not guaranteed stable
c[0] = c[0] / b[0];
x[0] = x[0] / b[0];
/* loop from 1 to X - 1 inclusive, performing the forward sweep */
for (size_t ix = 1; ix < X; ix++) {
const float m = 1.0f / (b[ix] - a[ix] * c[ix - 1]);
c[ix] = c[ix] * m;
x[ix] = (x[ix] - a[ix] * x[ix - 1]) * m;
/* loop from X - 2 to 0 inclusive (safely testing loop condition for an unsigned integer), to perform the back substitution */
for (size_t ix = X - 1; ix-- > 0; )
x[ix] -= c[ix] * x[ix + 1];
x[0] -= c[0] * x[1];
The following variant preserves the system of equations for reuse on other inputs. Note the necessity of library calls to allocate and free scratch space - a more efficient implementation for solving the same tridiagonal system on many inputs would rely on the calling function to provide a pointer to the scratch space.
void solve_tridiagonal_in_place_reusable(float * restrict const x, const size_t X, const float * restrict const a, const float * restrict const b, const float * restrict const c) {
/* Allocate scratch space. */
float * restrict const cprime = malloc(sizeof(float) * X);
if (!cprime) {
/* do something to handle error */
cprime[0] = c[0] / b[0];
x[0] = x[0] / b[0];
/* loop from 1 to X - 1 inclusive */
for (size_t ix = 1; ix < X; ix++) {
const float m = 1.0f / (b[ix] - a[ix] * cprime[ix - 1]);
cprime[ix] = c[ix] * m;
x[ix] = (x[ix] - a[ix] * x[ix - 1]) * m;
/* loop from X - 2 to 0 inclusive, safely testing loop end condition */
for (size_t ix = X - 1; ix-- > 0; )
x[ix] -= cprime[ix] * x[ix + 1];
x[0] -= cprime[0] * x[1];
/* free scratch space */
editThe following C++ function will solve a general tridiagonal system (though it will destroy the input vector c and d in the process). Note that the index here is zero based, in other words where is the number of unknowns. Note that, save for the printing of text in the main() function, this code is valid C as well as C++.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void solve(double* a, double* b, double* c, double* d, int n) {
// n is the number of unknowns
|b0 c0 0 ||x0| |d0|
|a1 b1 c1||x1|=|d1|
|0 a2 b2||x2| |d2|
1st iteration: b0x0 + c0x1 = d0 -> x0 + (c0/b0)x1 = d0/b0 ->
x0 + g0x1 = r0 where g0 = c0/b0 , r0 = d0/b0
2nd iteration: | a1x0 + b1x1 + c1x2 = d1
from 1st it.: -| a1x0 + a1g0x1 = a1r0
(b1 - a1g0)x1 + c1x2 = d1 - a1r0
x1 + g1x2 = r1 where g1=c1/(b1 - a1g0) , r1 = (d1 - a1r0)/(b1 - a1g0)
3rd iteration: | a2x1 + b2x2 = d2
from 2nd it. : -| a2x1 + a2g1x2 = a2r2
(b2 - a2g1)x2 = d2 - a2r2
x2 = r2 where r2 = (d2 - a2r2)/(b2 - a2g1)
Finally we have a triangular matrix:
|1 g0 0 ||x0| |r0|
|0 1 g1||x1|=|r1|
|0 0 1 ||x2| |r2|
Condition: ||bi|| > ||ai|| + ||ci||
in this version the c matrix reused instead of g
and the d matrix reused instead of r and x matrices to report results
Written by Keivan Moradi, 2014
n--; // since we start from x0 (not x1)
c[0] /= b[0];
d[0] /= b[0];
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
c[i] /= b[i] - a[i]*c[i-1];
d[i] = (d[i] - a[i]*d[i-1]) / (b[i] - a[i]*c[i-1]);
d[n] = (d[n] - a[n]*d[n-1]) / (b[n] - a[n]*c[n-1]);
for (int i = n; i-- > 0;) {
d[i] -= c[i]*d[i+1];
int main() {
int n = 4;
double a[4] = { 0, -1, -1, -1 };
double b[4] = { 4, 4, 4, 4 };
double c[4] = {-1, -1, -1, 0 };
double d[4] = { 5, 5, 10, 23 };
// results { 2, 3, 5, 7 }
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << d[i] << endl;
cout << endl << "n= " << n << endl << "n is not changed hooray !!";
return 0;
editNote that the index here is zero-based, in other words where is the number of unknowns.
import numpypy as np # for compatibility with numpy in pypy
import numpy as np # if using numpy in cpython
def TDMASolve(a, b, c, d):
n = len(a)
ac, bc, cc, dc = map(np.array, (a, b, c, d))
xc = []
for j in range(1, n):
if(bc[j - 1] == 0):
ier = 1
ac[j] = ac[j]/bc[j-1]
bc[j] = bc[j] - ac[j]*cc[j-1]
if(b[n-1] == 0):
ier = 1
for j in range(1, n):
dc[j] = dc[j] - ac[j]*dc[j-1]
dc[n-1] = dc[n-1]/bc[n-1]
for j in range(n-2, -1, -1):
dc[j] = (dc[j] - cc[j]*dc[j+1])/bc[j]
return dc
Another way
def TDMA(a,b,c,f):
a, b, c, f = map(lambda k_list: map(float, k_list), (a, b, c, f))
alpha = [0]
beta = [0]
n = len(f)
x = [0] * n
for i in range(n-1):
alpha.append(-b[i]/(a[i]*alpha[i] + c[i]))
beta.append((f[i] - a[i]*beta[i])/(a[i]*alpha[i] + c[i]))
x[n-1] = (f[n-1] - a[n-2]*beta[n-1])/(c[n-1] + a[n-2]*alpha[n-1])
for i in reversed(range(n-1)):
x[i] = alpha[i+1]*x[i+1] + beta[i+1]
return x
# small test. x = (1,2,3)
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = [3,3]
b = [2,1]
c = [6,5,8]
f = [10,16,30]
editwaitfunction x = TDMAsolver(a,b,c,d)
%a, b, c are the column vectors for the compressed tridiagonal matrix, d is the right vector
n = length(d); % n is the number of rows
% Modify the first-row coefficients
c(1) = c(1) / b(1); % Division by zero risk.
d(1) = d(1) / b(1);
for i = 2:n-1
temp = b(i) - a(i) * c(i-1);
c(i) = c(i) / temp;
d(i) = (d(i) - a(i) * d(i-1))/temp;
d(n) = (d(n) - a(n) * d(n-1))/( b(n) - a(n) * c(n-1));
% Now back substitute.
x(n) = d(n);
for i = n-1:-1:1
x(i) = d(i) - c(i) * x(i + 1);
Fortran 90
editNote that the index here is one based, in other words where is the number of unknowns.
Sometimes it is undesirable to have the solver routine overwrite the tridiagonal coefficients (e.g. for solving multiple systems of equations where only the right side of the system changes), so this implementation gives an example of a relatively inexpensive method of preserving the coefficients.
subroutine solve_tridiag(a,b,c,d,x,n)
implicit none
! a - sub-diagonal (means it is the diagonal below the main diagonal)
! b - the main diagonal
! c - sup-diagonal (means it is the diagonal above the main diagonal)
! d - right part
! x - the answer
! n - number of equations
integer,parameter :: r8 = kind(1.d0)
integer,intent(in) :: n
real(r8),dimension(n),intent(in) :: a,b,c,d
real(r8),dimension(n),intent(out) :: x
real(r8),dimension(n) :: cp,dp
real(r8) :: m
integer i
! initialize c-prime and d-prime
cp(1) = c(1)/b(1)
dp(1) = d(1)/b(1)
! solve for vectors c-prime and d-prime
do i = 2,n
m = b(i)-cp(i-1)*a(i)
cp(i) = c(i)/m
dp(i) = (d(i)-dp(i-1)*a(i))/m
end do
! initialize x
x(n) = dp(n)
! solve for x from the vectors c-prime and d-prime
do i = n-1, 1, -1
x(i) = dp(i)-cp(i)*x(i+1)
end do
end subroutine solve_tridiag
This subroutine offers an option of overwriting d or not.[1]
subroutine tdma(n,a,b,c,d,x)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n
real, intent(in) :: a(n), c(n)
real, intent(inout), dimension(n) :: b, d
real, intent(out) :: x(n)
! --- Local variables ---
integer :: i
real :: q
! --- Elimination ---
do i = 2,n
q = a(i)/b(i - 1)
b(i) = b(i) - c(i - 1)*q
d(i) = d(i) - d(i - 1)*q
end do
! --- Backsubstitution ---
q = d(n)/b(n)
x(n) = q
do i = n - 1,1,-1
q = (d(i) - c(i)*q)/b(i)
x(i) = q
end do