Albanian/Loan words for English speakers

The forms given for nouns are

  1. Singular, indefinite
  2. Singular, definite
  3. Plural indefinite

The forms given for adjectives are

  1. Masculine
  2. Feminine (always just add an 'e' to end)

The forms given for verbs are

  1. First person singular present indicative
  2. First person singular simple past
  3. Past participle

This list of loan words for English speakers originates from Jukeboksi's Consumerium development wiki user space and is included here under the clauses of CC BY-SA to benefit Wikibooks.

You may also wish to review words listed under French and Italian as the words in the are classified under the language that the pronunciation best matches and therefore there are many words resembling the English word, but listed under French or Italian.

Hopefully in the future these lists could be made into a database with Wikidata, removing the scatter inflicted by the fact that these are lists and not database entries.

  1. absurd, -e == absurd
  2. abuzim, -i, -e == an abuse
  3. abuzoj == to abuse
  4. administrativ, -e == administrative
  5. admirim, -i == admiration
  6. adoleshent, -i, -ë == an adolescent
  7. aeroplan, -i, -ë == an airplane
  8. aeroport, -i, -e == an airport
  9. aerobik, -e == aerobic (adj.)
  10. agoni, -a == an agony
  11. akademi, -a, - == an academy
  12. aksident, -i, -e == an accident
  13. akt, -i, -e == an act
  14. aktiv, -e == active
  15. aktivitet, -i, -e == an activity
  16. aktor, -i, -ë == an actor
  17. akuzë, -a, -a == an accusation
  18. akuzoj == to accuse
  19. aleancë, -a, -a == an alliance
  20. amendament, -i, -e == an amendment
  21. ambasador, -i, -ë == an ambassador
  22. amerikan, -i, -ë == an American
  23. amfiteatër, -ri, -ro == an amphitheater
  24. amnion, -i, -e (?) == an amnion
  25. anemi, -a, -a == an anemia
  26. anormal, -e == anormal
  27. antik, -e == antique
  28. antikitet, -i == antiquity
  29. antologji == an anthology
  30. apartament, -i, -e == an apartment
  31. aplikacion, -i, -e == an application
  32. aplikoj, -ova, -uar == to apply
  33. arkeolog, -u, -ë == an archaeologist
  34. arkeologjik, -e == archaeological
  35. arkitekturor, -e == architectural
  36. aromë, -a, -a == an aroma
  37. arrestim, -i, -e == an arrest
  38. arrestoj == to arrest
  39. arrij == to arrive
  40. arrogant, -e == arrogant
  41. arterie, -a, -e == an artery
  42. artikull, -lli, -j == an article
  43. artist, -i, -ë == an artist
  44. artistik, -e == artistic
  45. aspiratë, -a, -a == an aspiration
  46. atom, -i, -e == an atom
  47. atmosferë, -a, -a == an atmosphere
  48. audiencë, -a, -a == an audience
  49. autentik, -e == authentic
  50. autor, -i, -ë == an author
  51. autoritarist, -e == authoritarian
  52. autoritet, -i, -ë == an authority
  1. bakter, -e, bakterie == bacterium
  2. balet, -i, -e == a ballet
  3. banane, -ia, -e == a banana
  4. bankë, -a, -a == a bank
  5. banknotë, -a, -a == a banknote
  6. barbar, -e == barbaric
  7. barometër, -ri, -ra == a barometer
  8. basketboll, -i == basketball
  9. basketbollist, -i, -ë == a basketball player
  10. bazë, -ë, -a == a base
  11. berber, -i, -e == a barber
  12. biznesmen, -i, -ë == a businessman
  13. blasfemoj == to blaspheme
  14. bllokoj == to block
  15. blu == blue
  16. bojkot, -i, -e == a boycott
  17. botanik, -e == botanical
  18. brokoli == broccoli
  19. bunker, -i, -ë == a bunker
  20. burokratik, -e == bureaucratic
  1. celular, -e == cellular
  2. ceremoni, -a, - == a ceremony
  3. cikël, -li, -le == a cycle
  4. ciklon, -i, -e == a cyclone
  5. citoplazmë, -ë (?), -a == a cytoplasm
  1. çek, -ku, -qe == a check (payment instrument)
  1. datë, -a, -a == a date (time)
  2. datoj == to date (time)
  3. debat, -i, -e == a debate
  4. dekade, -ë, -a == a decade
  5. deklaratë, -a, -a == a declaration, a statement
  6. deklaroj == to declare
  7. dekret, -i, -e == a decree
  8. denoncoj == to denounce
  9. dentar, -e == dental
  10. demonstrativ, -e == demonstrative
  11. dentist, -i, -ë == a dentist
  12. derë, -a, dyer == a door
  13. desertor, -i ,-ë == a deserter
  14. deshirë, -a, -a == a desire
  15. deshiroj == to desire
  16. i,e detajuar == detailed
  17. dialekt, -i, -e == a dialect
  18. dietë, -a, -a == a diet
  19. dinamik, -e == dynamic
  20. diplomat, -i, -ë == a diplomat
  21. disidencë, -a, -a == dissidence
  22. disident, -i, -ë == a dissident
  23. diskutim, -i, -e == a discussion
  24. diskutoj == to discuss
  25. distancë, -a, -a == a distance
  26. dixhital == digital
  27. dizanoj == to design
  28. dokument, -i, -e == a document
  29. dokumentar, -i, -ë == a documentary
  30. domate, -ja, -e == a tomato
  31. dominoj == to dominate
  32. dozë, -a, -a == a dose
  1. editorial, -i, -e == an editorial
  2. edukatë, -a == an education
  3. efikasitet, -i, -e (?) == an efficacy
  4. egoist, -i, -ë == an egoist
  5. ekonomi, -a == economics
  6. ekonomik, -e == economical
  7. ekonomist, -i, -ë == an economist
  8. ekselencë, -a, -a == an excellence
  9. ekskursion, -i, -e == an excursion
  10. ekuilibër, -bri, -bri == an equilibrium
  11. ekzekutues, -e == executive
  12. elastik, -e == elastic
  13. elegant, -e == elegant
  14. elektoral, -e == electoral
  15. elektricitet, -i == electricity
  16. elektronik, -e == electronic
  17. element, -i, -e == an element
  18. eliminoj, -ova, -uar == to eliminate
  19. elitë, -a, -a == an elite
  20. embrion, -i, -e == an embryo
  21. emigrim, -i, -e == an emigration
  22. energji, -a, -të == an energy
  23. epidermë == an epidermis
  24. estetik, -e == aesthetic
  1. i famshëm, e famshme == famous
  2. favor, -i, -e == a favour
  3. fazë, -a, -a == a phase
  4. fakt, -i, -e == a fact
  5. fanellë, -a, -a == a flannel shirt, undershirt
  6. i favorishëm, e -me == favourable
  7. federal, -e == federal
  8. fenomen, -i, -e == a phenomenon
  9. festival, -i, -e == a festival
  10. fetus, -i, -e == a fetus
  11. fibër, -ra, -ra == a fiber
  12. filëte, -a, -a == a fillet
  13. film, -i, -a == a film
  14. finalizoj == to finalize
  15. financier, -i, -ë == a financier
  16. fiskal, -e == fiscal
  17. firmë, -a, -a == a firm (business)
  18. flagrant, -e == flagrant
  19. fleksibilitet, -i, -e (?) == a flexibility
  20. fluks, -i, -e == a flux
  21. formal, -e == formal
  22. formë, -a, -a == a form, shape (paper or digital form is formular)
  23. formoj == to form
  24. fotogjenik, -e == photogenic
  25. fotografi, -a, - == a photograph
  26. fragmentoj == to fragment
  27. frutë, -a, -a == a fruit
  28. furnizim, -i, -e == furnishing, supplies
  29. furnizoj == to furnish
  30. futboll, -i == football (soccer)
  1. galeri, -a, - == a gallery
  2. gest, -i, -e == a gesture
  3. gjenocid, -i, -e == a genocide
  4. global, -e == global
  5. glob, -i, -e == a globe
  6. glukozë, -a, -a == glucose
  7. gradë, -a, -a == a grade, quality
  8. gradual, -e == gradual
  9. grup, -i, -e == a group
  10. guvernator, -i, -ë == a governor
  1. gjerman, -i, -ë == German (nationality)
  2. gjerman, -e == German (adj.)
  3. gjigant, -e == gigantic
  4. gjimnastikor, -i == gymnastic (adj.)
  1. hamburger, -i, -ë == a hamburger
  2. harmonik, -e == harmonic
  3. hemoglobinë, -a, -a == a hemoglobin
  4. heretik, -u, -ë == a heretic
  5. hero, -i, -nj == a hero
  6. heroizëm, -zmi, -zma == a heroism
  7. hezitoj == to hesitate
  8. hibrid, -e == hybrid
  9. hierarkik, -e == hierarchical
  10. himn, -i, -e == a hymn
  11. hipokrit, -i, -ë == a hypocrite
  12. hipotezë, -a, -a == a hyptothesis
  13. historik, -e == historical
  14. holl, -i, -e == a hall
  15. horizont, -i, -e == a horizon
  16. hotel, -i, -e == a hotel
  1. identifikim, -i, -e == an identification
  2. ikonografik, -e == iconographic
  3. iluzion, -i, -e == an illusion
  4. imejl == email (also postë elektronike, email or e-mail)
  5. implementim, -i, -e == an implementation
  6. imponoj == to impose
  7. inauguroj, -ova, -uar == inaugurate
  8. individual, -e == individual (adj.)
  9. industri, -a, -a == an industry
  10. infarkt, -i, -e == an infarct
  11. infeksion, -i, -e == an infection
  12. informativ, -e == informative
  13. infrastrukturë, -a, -a == an infrastructure
  14. insistoj == to insist
  15. inspiroj == to inspire
  16. integrim, -i, -e == an integration
  17. intelekt, -i, -e == an intellect
  18. intelektual, -e == intellectual
  19. instrument, -i, -e == an instrument
  20. intensivisht == intensively
  21. intergritet == integrity
  22. interes, -i, -a == an interest
  23. internet, -i == the Internet
  24. interpretim, -i, -e == an interpretation
  25. interpretoj == to interpret
  26. implikoj == to imply
  27. Itali, -a == Italy
  28. italian, -e == Italian (adj.)
  29. italian, -i, -ë == Italian (nationality
  30. itinerar, -i, -e == an itinerary
  1. janar, -i == January
  2. ju == you
  1. kamp, -i, -e == a camp
  2. kancer, -i, -e == a cancer
  3. kandidat, -i, -ë == a candidate
  4. kapacitet, -i, -e == a capacity
  5. kapilar, -, -ë == a capillary
  6. kapital, -i, -e (?) == a capital
  7. kaos, -i, -e == a chaos
  8. karbohidrat, -i, -e == a carbohydrate
  9. karbon, -i, -e == carbon
  10. karrierë, -ë, -a == a career
  11. katalog, -u, -ë == a catalogue
  12. katastrofë, -a, -a == a catastrophe
  13. kategori, -a, - == a category
  14. kazino, -ja, -të == a casino
  15. kështjellë, -a, -a == a castle, fortress
  16. kilogram, -i, -ë == a kilogram
  17. kilometër, -ri, -ra == a kilometer
  18. kitarist, -i, -ë == a guitarist
  19. kivi == a kiwi (fruit)
  20. klasifikim, -i, -e == a classification
  21. klasifikoj, -ova, -uar == to classify
  22. kler, -i, -e == a clergy
  23. klinikë, -a, -a == a clinic
  24. klon, -i, -e == a clone
  25. klorofil, -i, -ë == a chlorophyll
  26. klub, -i, -e == a club
  27. koherent, -e == coherent
  28. kolateral, -i, -e == a collateral
  29. koleg, -u, -ë == a colleague
  30. koleksion, -i, -e == a collection
  31. koleksonoj == to collect
  32. koloni, -a, - == a colony
  33. koment, -i, -e == a comment
  34. komision, -i, -e == a commission
  35. kompromis, -i, -e == a compromise
  36. komunal, -e == communal
  37. kon, -i, -e == a cone
  38. koncesion, -i, -e == a concession
  39. konflikt, -i, -e == a conflict
  40. konkret, -e == concrete (adj.)
  41. konsensual, -e == consensual
  42. konsensus, -i, -e == a consensus
  43. konsideratë, -a, -a == a consideration
  44. konsistent, -e == consistent
  45. konspiroj == to conspire
  46. konstante, -ja - == a constant
  47. kopjoj == to copy
  48. kolesterol, -i == a cholesterol
  49. kombinim, -i, -e == a combination
  50. kompani, -a, - == a company
  51. kompjuter, -i, -a == a computer
  52. komplotoj == to complot
  53. kompresë, -a, -a == a compress
  54. komunitet, -i, -e == a community
  55. konferencë, -a, -a == a conference
  56. konfirmoj == to confirm
  57. konfuzion, -i, -e == a confusion
  58. konfirmim, -i, -e == a confirmation
  59. kongres, -i, -e == a congress
  60. konsideroj == to consider
  61. konsull, -lli, -j == a consul
  62. konsumohem == to be consumed
  63. konsumoj == to consume
  64. kontaktoj == to contact
  65. kontestoj, -ova, -uar == to contest
  66. kontrast, -i, -e == a contrast
  67. kontrolloj == to control, inspect, examine
  68. kontroll, -i, -e == a control, check
  69. koordinim, -i, -e == a coordination
  70. koordinoj, -ova, -uar == to coordinate
  71. kopje, -a, -e == a copy
  72. korrekt, -e == correct (adj.)
  73. korrespondoj == to correspond
  74. korrigjoj == to correct
  75. korrupsion, -i, -e == a corruption
  76. kosto, -ja, - == a cost
  77. krap, -i, krep == a carp
  78. kreativitet, -i, -e == a creativity
  79. kredi, -a, -a == a credit
  80. krijoj == to create
  81. krim, -i, -e == a crime
  82. kritikë, -a, -a == a critique
  83. kritikoj == to critisize
  84. kromozom, -i, -e == a chromosome
  85. kualifikoj == to qualify
  86. kulm, -i, -e == a culmination
  87. kult, -i, -e == a cult
  88. kultivim, -i, -e == a cultivation
  89. kultivoj == to cultivate
  90. kupë, -a, -a == a cup
  91. kurs, -i, -e == a course (studying or exchange rate)
  92. kushtoj == to cost
  1. letër, -ra, -ra == a letter, a card
  2. lider == a leader
  3. lidership, -i, -e == a leadership
  4. litër, -ri, -ra == a liter
  5. luxoz, -e == luxurious
  1. madhësti, -a == majesty, grandiosity
  2. mafie, -a, -a == a mafia
  3. magnet == a magnet
  4. marshoj == to march
  5. masiv, -e == massive
  6. maskoj == to mask, camouflage, disguise
  7. material, -i, -e == material
  8. medalje, -, - == a medal
  9. meditoj == to meditate
  10. membranë, -a, -a == a membrane
  11. menaxher, -i, -ë == a manager
  12. marksist, -e == marxist
  13. menaxhoj == to manage
  14. menstruacion, -i, -e == a menstruation
  15. mentalitet, -i, -e == a mentality
  16. meritoj == to merit
  17. mikro == micro
  18. militant, -e == militant
  19. mineral == mineral
  20. ministër, -ri, -ra = a minister
  21. Ministri, -a, - == a ministry
  22. mision, -i, -e == a mission
  23. mister, -i, -e == a mystery
  24. model, -i, -e == a model
  25. modern, -e == modern
  26. molekulë, -a, -a == a molecule
  27. moment, -i, -e == a moment
  28. monoksid, -i, -e == monoxide
  29. monopol, -i, -e == a monopoly
  30. monopolistik, -e == monopolistic
  31. monument, -i, -e == a monument
  32. moral, -e == moral (adj.)
  33. mozaik, -i, -ë == a mosaic
  34. multikulturor, -e == multicultural
  35. i multilateralizëm, e -me == multilateralism
  36. mural, -e == mural (adj.)
  37. muskul, -i, -jt == a muscle
  38. muzikë, -a == music
  1. nacionalist, -e == nationalist (adj.)
  2. nacionalizëm, -zmi, -zma == nationalism
  3. neglizhoj == to neglect
  4. nikotinë, -a, -a == a nicotine
  5. nostalgji, -a, -të == a nostalgy
  6. normalizim, -i, -e == normalization
  7. notar, -i, -ë == a notary
  8. numeroj == to number, numerate, count
  1. objekt, -i, -e == objects
  2. ofertë, -a, -a == an offer
  3. ofroj == to offer
  4. oksigjen, -i, -e == oxygen
  5. oksigjenoj == to oxygenate
  6. oligarki, -, -të (?) == an oligarchy
  7. operacion, -i, -e == an operation
  8. operë, -a, -a == an opera
  9. operoj, -ova, -uar == to operate
  10. opinion, -i, -e == an opinion (also mendim)
  11. opozitë, -a, -a == an opposition
  12. oral, -e == oral
  13. organ, -i, -e == an organ
  14. organizëm, -i, -a == an organism
  15. organizoj, -ova, -uar == to organize
  16. ortodoks, -e == Orthodox
  17. ovidukt, - (?), -e == an oviduct
  18. ovulacion, -i, -e == an ovulation
  1. pako, -ja, - == a pack, packet, parcel
  2. pankreas, -i, -e (?) == a pancreas
  3. paradë, -a, -a == a parade
  4. paradoks, -i, -e == a paradox
  5. paradoksal, -e == paradoxal
  6. parlament, -i, -e == a parliament
  7. park, -ku, -qe == a park
  8. parti, -a, -të == a party (political)
  9. pasagjer, -i, -e == a passenger
  10. pasion, -i, -e == a passion
  11. pasionant, -e == passionate
  12. pasiv, -e == passive
  13. patriotik, -e == patriotic
  14. pazar, -i, -e == a bazaar, a marketplace
  15. penal, -e == penal
  16. penis, -i, -e == a penis
  17. periferi, -a, -të == a periphery
  18. periudhë, -a, -a == a period
  19. person, -i, -a == a person
  20. pianiste, -ja, -e == a pianist
  21. ping-pong == ping-pong, table tennis
  22. piper, -i == pepper (table spice)
  23. piramidë, -ë, -a == a pyramid
  24. pjek == to bake
  25. placentë, -a, -a == a placenta
  26. plan, -i, -e == a plan
  27. planet, -i, -e == a planet
  28. planifikoj == to plan
  29. plazme, -a, -a == a plasma
  30. pluralizëm, -mi == a pluralism
  31. poet, -i, -ë == a poet
  32. polemikë, -a, -a == a polemic
  33. polifoni, -a, - == a polyphony
  34. populist, -e == populist
  35. popullsi, -a, popujt == a population
  36. popullor, -e == popular
  37. porcelan, -i == porcelain
  38. portret, -i, -e == a portret
  39. postë, -a, -a == mail, post office post
  40. potencial, -i, -e == a potential
  41. pozicionim, -i, -e == a positioning
  42. pragmatik, -e == pragmatic
  43. pragmatizëm, -mi, -ma == a pragmatism
  44. precedent, -i, -ë == a precendent
  45. preferoj, -ova, -uar == to prefer
  46. i,e preferuar == preferred
  47. pretendoj == to pretend
  48. prestigjoz -e == prestigious
  49. prill, -i == April
  50. prioritet, -, -e == a priority
  51. problem, -i, -e == a problem
  52. proces, -i, -e == a process
  53. prodhoj == to produce
  54. program, -i, -e == a program
  55. projekt, -i, -e == a project
  56. propagandë, -a, -a == a propaganda
  57. propozoj, -ova, -uar == to propose
  58. prostatë, -a, -e == a prostate
  59. proteine, -a, -a == a protein
  60. protestoj == to protest
  61. publik, -u == general public, audience
  62. publik, -e == public (adj.)
  63. puloverë, -a, -a == a pullover, a sweater
  64. puls, -i,- e == a pulse
  1. qendër, -a, -a == a center
  1. racional, -e == rational
  2. radio, -ja, - == a radio
  3. raketë, -a, -a == a rocket
  4. raport, -i, -e == a report
  5. raportoj, -ova, -uar == to report
  6. raund, -i, -e == a round
  7. reagoj == to react
  8. realizoj == to realize, to achieve
  9. recesion, -i, -e == a recession
  10. reciprokisht == reciprocally
  11. recital, -i, -e == a recital
  12. reduktoj, -ova, -uar == to reduce
  13. referendum, -i, -e == a referendum
  14. referohem == to refer
  15. reformë, -a, -a == a reform
  16. relativ, -e == relative (adj.)
  17. relativisht == relatively
  18. religjioz, -e == religious
  19. replikoj == to replicate
  20. restorant, -i, -e == a restaurant
  21. reumatizëm, -mi, -ma == rheumatism
  22. rezervë, -a, -a == a reserve
  23. rezervim, -i, -e == a reservation
  24. rezervoj, -ova, -uar == to reserve
  25. rezolutë, -a, -a == a resolution
  26. rezultat, -i, -e == a result
  27. rival, -i, -ë == a rival
  28. i,e rregullt == regular
  29. rural, -e == rural
  1. saktë == exactly
  2. i,e saktë == exact
  3. saktësi, -a, - == exactitude
  4. sandale, -ja, -e == sandals
  5. sanduiç, -i, -ë == a sandwich
  6. sanksion, -i, -e == a sanction
  7. sekret, -i, -e == a secret
  8. sekretar, -i, -ë == a secretary
  9. sekt, -i, -e == a sect
  10. sektor, -i, -ë == a sector
  11. sekuestroj, -ova, -uar == to sequestrate
  12. semestër, -ri, -ra == a semester
  13. seminar, -i, -e == a seminar
  14. sezon, -i, -e == a season
  15. sferë, -a, -a == a sphere
  16. shtet, -i, -e == a state, country
  17. simbiozë, -a, -a == a symbiosis
  18. simbolik, -e == symbolic, very cheap
  19. simpati, -a, - == a sympathy
  20. simptomë, -a, -a == a symptom
  21. sinjal, -i, -e == a signal
  22. i,e sinqertë == sincere
  23. situatë, -a, -a == a situation, condition
  24. skandal, -i, -e == a scandal
  25. skandaloz, -e == scandalous
  26. skaner, -i, -ë == a scanner
  27. skanoj == to scan
  28. skemë, -a, -a == a scheme
  29. skizm, -i, -a == a schism
  30. sklerozë, -a, -a == a sclerosis
  31. social, -e == social
  32. solemn, -e == solemn, gala
  33. specialist, -, -ë == a specialist
  34. specifikë, -a, -a == a specific feature
  35. spektakël, -li, -le == a spectacle
  36. spektator, -i, -ë == a spectator
  37. spinaq, -i == spinach
  38. spital, -i, -e == a hospital
  39. sporadik, -e == sporadic
  40. staf, -i, -e == a staff
  41. statik, -e == static
  42. status, -i, -e == a status
  43. statut, -i, -e == a statute
  44. stimulim, -i, -e == a stimulation
  45. stimuloj, -ova, -uar == to stimulate
  46. sugjerim, -i, -e == a suggestion
  47. sukses, -i, -e == success
  48. stomak, -u, -ë == a stomach
  49. stres, -i == stress
  50. strukturë, -a, -a == a structure
  51. studim, -i, -e == a study
  52. studioj == to study
  1. shkollë, -a, -a == a school
  1. taksi, -a, - == a taxi
  2. tank, -i, -e == a tank
  3. tekst, -i, -e == a text
  4. telefon, -i, -a == a telephone
  5. telefon celular == a cell phone
  6. tempull, -lli, -j == a temple
  7. tender, -i, -ë == a tender
  8. terapi == a therapy
  9. termometër, -ri, -ra == a thermometer
  10. terror, -i, -e == a terror
  11. total, -i, -e == a total
  12. total, -e == total (adj.)
  13. totalitar, -e == totalitarian
  14. torturë, -a, -a == torture
  15. trafikant, -i, -ë == a trafficker
  16. trafikim, -i, -e == a trafficking
  17. trajner, -i, -ë == a trainer
  18. trajtim, -i, -e == a treatment
  19. trajtoj == to treat
  20. transparent, -e == transparent
  21. transferim, -i, -e == a transfer
  22. transport, -i, -e == a transport
  23. trojan, -i, -ë == Trojan
  24. tub, -i, -a == a tube
  25. turist, -i, -ë == a tourist
  26. turistik, -e == touristic
  1. unik, -e == unique
  2. uretër, -ra, -ra == an urethra
  3. urgjencë, -a, -a == an urgency
  4. urgjent, -e == urgent
  1. vaginë, -a, -a == a vagina
  2. vaksinë, -a, -a == a vaccine
  3. valvul, -a, -a == a valve
  4. vanilje, -a == vanilla
  5. variant, -i, -e == a variant, variation
  6. varioj, -ova, -uar == to vary
  7. vëllim, -i, -e == volume
  8. venë, -, -a == a vein
  9. viktimë, -a, -a == a victim
  10. violinë, -a, -a == a violin
  11. vitaminë, -a, -a == a vitamin
  12. vizitoj == to visit
  13. volejboll, -i == volleyball
  14. votë, -a, -a == a vote
  15. votim, -i, -e == a voting
  1. xhaketë, -a, -a == a jacket
  2. xhinse == jeans, denim
  1. zero == zero
  2. zigot, -i, -a == a zygote
  3. zonë, -a, -a == zone, area, region